Gunny,I completely understand with you that this is the way most doctors are. 
But I refuse to let another doctor do this to me. The way I would like to see 
this data-base operate is for us, the Tm patient, should have a way to use the 
data-base just the same way that the doctor does. This way when we have an 
appointment with a doctor, we could take with us the information that we need 
contained in the data-base that deals with our problem so we can physically 
this information to the doctor and then show the doctor what is involved in 
accessing the data-base on Transverse Myelitis, ADEM, MS, and all of the 
diseases contained in the scope of sais data-base. Then you can give this 
information to the Dr. and ask him calmly, " This is what I am living with 
everyday, do you have the intention and desire to work with me to help me. And 
are you willing to do the research into my disease. Can I count on you, Doctor, 
to access this web-site so that you may be better informed on all the 
available information we have gathered concerning our vast array of symptoms 
that come along with this disease or do I need to find another doctor who is 
willing to do the research that will be called on you to do." This is exactly 
the way I would handle this problem. I think that his would get the results 
you are looking for. You are going to be required to stand up for yourselves in 
these matters or get ready to be treated in the fashion that you are already 
being treated with. Thats the way I see it. Rick in Tennessee. God bless us all


-------------- Original message ----------------------
> Rick:
>    Yeah, probably a wate of time. As I mentioned before, all the  Doctors I 
> sent invitations to did not respond. That tells me, they have no  interest. I 
> think they would prefer to keep thier patients who have TM or MS  under thier 
> control. You know, these so called Doctors value thier time and  expect to 
> get 
> paid for it. Asking them to take a survey or act upon one or more  of thier 
> patients on that patients behalf is time consuming.90% of Physicians  out 
> are in the business of medicine for the money. I don't think many of  them 
> care about a cure which may or may not put them out of business. Or, for  
> that 
> mater, looking at a new treatment that may help an individual  patient.
>      It's a dirty damn shame, but 12 years into this  has taught me this 
> lesson. Personally, my Doc at Cleveland Clinic probably would  participate as 
> and Doug are asshole buddies now, and, he has a genuine  interest in this as 
> does research with Doug. As for most General  Practitioners, unles they are 
> specifically interested in this field, they wont  participate. That's what my 
> experience has taught me. I may be wrong, but I  don't think I am.
> **************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.     

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