Welcome to the group.  I have often wanted to ask everyone in here how they got 
TM - kind of a survey. My first neuro also believes that I had a virus 
infection because I had gotten suddenly sick about 3 weeks prior and the clinic 
said I had a mild virus. Whatever happened, my vision was so doubled I had a 
hard time turning the curves on roads. I also struggled to walk down the 
hallway and had to lean against the walls.
  2.5 weeks later pain and discomfort started in my low back. I couldn't sit, 
stand up, sit down, or find any comfortable position to lay, stand or sit. then 
i lost the use of my toes, foot, knee to my feet, leg, thigh and then it move 
into my other side. 
  I don't get tired as easily as I used to and the fatigue isn't a problem any 
more. I STILL get stiff legged sometimes -- don't understand why. But phy. 
thearpy got me walking without problems - sometimes, i have trouble crossing my 

  My name is Rita. I am in snowy Cleveland, OH. I was diagnosed with TM 
Memorial Day weekend 2007 at the C-4/C-5 region, apparently from a virus I had 
3 weeks prior. With some people introducing themselves I thought it was time I 
did to. I have read your emails and received a lot of helpful information. So, 
hello to all of you, some I feel as if I know, and Thank You for the help you 
have given me over the past 10 months.

My onset of TM seemed sudden. The Friday of Memorial Day weekend I was cutting 
a friends hair. I began having a sharp pain in my upper back. Thought it was 
just a kink and tried to work it out. I them began to have numbness in my left 
arm and them into my right. After dropping my comb a couple time and when I 
could barely open and close the scissors I told my friend something was wrong. 
Thank goodness I got the last snip in on her hair. She took me to the hospital 
and by the that time I was having a hard time opening my hands and was getting 
leg weakness. After 2 days in the hospital and several x-rays and cat scans a 
neurologist order a MRI. By Sunday he had diagnosed me with TM, checked my 
spinal fluids, which were fine and I was sent home on Monday Memorial Day. Not 
quite sure what the heck TM was and feeling week, I thought I would be better 
by weeks end and out shopping for flowers for the yard. Needless to say but my 
yard did not get any new plants last summer. On
 Tuesday the kids got picked up for school as I could not drive. My symptoms 
began to worsen. I began to feel that sharp pain in my neck and back. As I 
tried to reach in a cupboard for a cup my right arm fell and hit me in the face 
and the pain worsened. I started to panic when I tried to call my sister and my 
fingers couldn't push the buttons. after numerous tries I got a hold of her. 
She came and called the neurologist and he ordered steroids. I was very week. I 
remained out of work until mid August. 
My symptoms have improved greatly since and I am thankful for that. However, my 
body just doesn't feel right. I still do have numbness on the right side of 
abdomen, My right arm tricep still isn't doing good and I have a stim unit here 
to help it from deteriorating any further. I still get pain in my neck and back 
and in October I began experiencing Lhermittes sign, and I do get so tired 
still. I get a cold burning feeling in my arms and hands and they aren't cold 
to the touch. If something cold touches my fore arms it feels like it burns. 

Has anyone onset been from a virus? Another thing I experience that my 
neurologist thinks is something other than TM is if I am out in and it is windy 
or cold and tense up almost as if to shiver, my legs stiffen up and I have a 
hard time walking. Has anyone experienced that? 

There, I did it, I am now identified! 

Rita (Snowing BIG TIME in Cleveland)

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