I don't have the banding all the time. Mostly it is when I am tired, stressed, 
or not feeling well. Some times it is just there for no apparent reason but 
during those times it seems more tolerable than when I am tired, stressed, or 
not feeling well. I am T-4/ T-9 and early on, I didn't sweat in that range or 
below. That's pretty normal for paralysis. That is why it is so dangerous for 
para's and quad's to be out in the heat. We can't turn on the bodies air 
conditioner.(Sweat) That might explain the (greasy sensation) around the 
affected areas. I don't remember ever having that sensation. I do remember as 
my feeling was coming back I itched horribly. A nurse pored corn flower on me 
and that seemed to help?
Anyhow, that's my two cents. Hope everyone has a beautiful day!  Happy 
Larry in Oklahoma where it is busting out in green today after 4.5 inches of 
rain the other day.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 08:37:54 -0400Subject: Re: [TMIC] (no 
subject)To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi Jeanne,
     I also have the band 24 hours a day.  Mine is T4-T5 area.  That is where 
my lesion is in my spinal cord.  I also get a lot of tingling on the left side 
of that area.  The grease line I was talking was actually a very greasy to the 
touch line .     
     As the numbness was ascending so was the grease line. It was around my 
waist and moved upward until it stopped around T4-T5.  Another strange thing I 
experienced was a few weeks in, I had to rub off a lot of dead skin on both 
legs.  Very Weird!  It doesn't sound like any one else had these things.  
Anybody have a problem with not sweating in affected areas?
                                                                    Linda in Pa

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