I had good results from PLEX (plasma exchange) treatments - I was a complete 
quad and now I have use of my legs and hands but the common bladder problems, 
spasms and banding especially in my R leg and hands, the terrible backache, 
depression, weakness, and the constant fatigue.   

Cymbalta has helped with the depression and helped with the pain.  I had my 
neuro change me from zoloft to cymbalta just 6 weeks ago and have noticed a BIG 
difference in the depression and pain.  Amantadine helps with the fatique.  
PT/OT helped with restoring mobility also.  They are wonderful people.  You can 
learn to use other muscles and nerves to do things maybe not in the way you use 
to but you can find ways to do most of the things. 

Look on the John Hopkins website for further info 
http://www.hopkinsneuro.org/tm/disease.cfm/condition/Transverse_Myelitis  and 
long term care. 

I have also found relief for the backache with a heated seat pad; a recliner to 
keep my feet up and pressure off the lower back.  I've also found the 
HomeMedics anti-gravity chair to help - it has heat and massage.  I sleep in an 
electric bed with the head slightly inclined but sometimes have to have the 
feet inclined also. 

I have also found relief for the backache and leg spasms using a TENS machine.  
I am allergic to the gel and the pads so I peel the gel off and use Aloe gel to 
conduct the electric impulse and tape to keep the pads in place. 

Hope this info helps.  This is a great website for info and sharing info and 
feelings.  Depression is a big deal - not being able to do what you could do 
just a few days, month, years ago is really depressing and ego defeating, or it 
has been to me. 

If I can help in any way, please let me know. 

Candy K. 

----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Fellows-n-Ladies TMIC" <tmic-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 9:14:00 AM (GMT-0600) America/Chicago 
Subject: [TMIC] requesting advice from you experienced souls 

I am celebrating my first year with TM.  I can walk but need a cane because of 
poor balance.  My stamina has gone away ... I can walk a block or two but then 
need to rest for a few minutes. 

I have banding around my chest, growing area and knees.  I get relief by taking 
4mg of the steroid Prednizone (sp?) to reduce the swelling of my spinal cord. 

Are any of you taking anything similar?    Anything better?

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