Good Morning!  I just wanted to talk about your Prednisone.  It's so
interesting since we all seem to have such different situations with all of
our providers.  

The only time I took the Prednisone was when I got the TM and was flown to
Harborview in Seattle and put in ICU.  It was for the same reason as yours
which was to reduce the swelling and to stop the progression of the
inflammation.   They had to take me off of it after two days because it was
raising my blood sugars too high which is one of the side effects.  Since
then, I've never used it.  Right now the only thing I take is Lyrica 75mg.
twice a day which helps with the pain and spasms.  Occasionally I will take
extra Ibuprofen if the pain is too much and that happens at least once a
week. It never completely goes away but you learn to tolerate it.  The
neurologist also recommended my being on a low dose of Lexapro which is an
antidepressant.  This is common because of the increase of depression due to
this type of diagnosis.

Keep up the physical therapy, water therapy, also, if possible!  That is the
only thing that keeps me going and has helped tremendously in improving my
getting around!  I still have poor balance but at least I'm not paralyzed
from the chest down as I was 3 years ago, thank God!!!  Still feels like wet
sand from the chest down but by gosh, I can move!!

I hope this helps in some way.

Jeanne in Dayton, WA

-------Original Message-------
Date: 3/21/2008 9:14:53 AM
To: Fellows-n-Ladies TMIC
Subject: [TMIC] requesting advice from you experienced souls
I am celebrating my first year with TM.  I can walk but need a cane because
of poor balance.  My stamina has gone away ... I can walk a block or two but
then need to rest for a few minutes.
I have banding around my chest, growing area and knees.  I get relief by
taking 4mg of the steroid Prednizone (sp?) to reduce the swelling of my
spinal cord.
Are any of you taking anything similar?    Anything better?

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