If you would see me walk, you would KNOW that I had either been tipping the
bottle or was certainly disabled!  I was just too darned stubborn to use the
hand control and how, I don't know, but my right foot (the weakest one) just
took care of me!!!  We live around a lot of deer and that old foot came to
the rescue many times...amazing!  J

When I walked into the DMV to get my driver's license renewed, there was no
doubt there had been 'changes' since I had last had it done.  I had to take
a driver's test and even with the hand control built in the car, I didn't
use it so had a choice in how my license was 'issued'.  I chose to have it
shown as 'handicapped' but the gal told me I could certainly have it as 
normal' since I didn't use the controls at all during the test and passed
with flying colors.  I wasn't quite ready to give them up 'just in case'. 
Now that the weather is better, I'll be out driving more and retake the test
  But that danged old parallel parking is for the birds!  I didn't do so hot
when I was 16 and still don't like it!!  J

PS:  Me, too!
-------Original Message-------
From: Robert Pall
Date: 4/3/2008 10:13:05 AM
To: jrushton
Subject: RE: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!
    I loved your reply. I think it will be the right choice for me (sooner
rather than later). Mentally I could not use hand controls...it would have
made me feel disabled and embarrassed! Strange as it seems I want people to
not see me as disabled and certainly not treat me as disabled...but time is
taking its toll!
Thx Again!
PS: I believe if we ever met we would like each other!

From: jrushton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 9:08 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com; Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

Oh, Rob, to us there is no complaining when it comes to our TM.  If that
were the case, we might as well back out of TMIC and crawl in a hole and be
alone, again!!
One of the most difficult moments of this entire TM time is when I had to
walk in and give my notice having to tell my 'other family' of many years
that I just could not do what I did before I was stricken.  Nursing was so
wonderful and the people I worked with and were truly my friends plus I was
a lead nurse boss and by golly, I liked that!!  I was sad to be giving up
all of the patients that I had gotten to know so well over the years, also. 
The clinic would have let me continue working but my ability and stamina
were not even half of what they were before.  There was just too much pain
and by noon I could hardly motivate.  Plus I then had an hour drive back
home which was stressful even with hand controls (that I didn't use)
(another story)..
So, Jack and I talked it over and me, being spoiled rotten (at work and) at
home finally decided I had to quit.  I was able to get onto disability quite
fast and have not regretted it one moment.  I miss my people from the bottom
of my heart but I just couldn't keep on.  Jack then took early retirement
and we have had the most wonderful time together.  THE BEST PART????  NO
ALARM CLOCK!!  We are so busy and able to help the kids and grandkids more
plus get back into volunteering in our little town, again.  When the weather
is halfway nice, we are outside.  (I have a picture of me on the tractor if
you want to see it!)
Anyway, just my two cents worth.  Seriously, it's a very personal decision. 
That's where the prayer comes in....
-------Original Message-------
From: Robert Pall
Date: 4/3/2008 8:32:19 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!
        I am obviously on a letter writing campaign…this is due to what I
perceive as a worsening of my condition…ok here is my question….I have been
working full time for the past 10 years after contacting TM (obviously this
was after the hospital and rehab)…I drive more than 2 hours a day (welcome
to New York City) and for the first time I am really wondering how much
longer I will be able to keep this up…it just keeps getting harder. On the
one hand if I stop working I will have all the time in the world to think of
my condition (bad!), on the other hand work just keeps getting harder and
harder both physically and mentally(bad too!). Please don't tell me to just
cut down..that cannot work…..therefore what I have done mentally is say to
myself that if I can just work 2 more years then I can retire…only problem
is that 2 years seems like a very very long time! 
        I am going for a spinal MRI next week and Dr Kerr hooked me up with
an excellent Dr. in New Jersey whom I will be seeing in a couple of weeks…so
I am trying to be proactive…just not sure how much longer my "positive
attitude" will be enough to get me by!
        Sorry about this I truly hate complaining when I know so many of you
are so much worse than I am! 
Thanks for everything! 
Rob in New Jersey 


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