I had similar confusion with what I heard from various medical people.
Dec 2003 my neuro rx'd baclofen for spasticity and the next day I had physical 
and occupational therapy. Both therapists told me I didn't have spasticity and 
wanted permission to talk with my neuro.  So there I was in my TM stupor 
questioning who knew best.  I started on the baclofen and have never 
discontinued it.  My Neuro knew best.  
I am too flexible (rubbery) if I take over 10mg so he moved me to every six 
hours and that works for me.  
I couldn't have discribed it at well as Merieke's post, however, it's exactly 
how both the spasms and spasticity feel to me. 
---- randy rankin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Ok - what's the scoop on these drugs. Have any of you all taken them? 
>   Did they help?
>   Where there any significant side effects?
>   I was sent to a bone doc. to have a look. 
>   He wants me to try baclofen for spasms, (i didn't know that I was having 
> them - everyone else says that I'm not have spasms - I'm so confussed on the 
> term spasms. - first neuro talked about my legs being spastic because they 
> wouldn't move - he pick them up and the right leg would stick in mid area lol 
> - he'd have to push it back down. When I mentioned "spasm" later, everyone 
> would look at me oddly and say that I wasn't having spasms. Now this guy is 
> giving me meds for spasms and says that my right leg shows signs of 
> spasticity)
>   He said my vert was great - mild degeneration in mid T and at L-5 S-1 - 
> which I already knew about. The 'arthritis' is genetic/ "getting older" he 
> said - but it is unusual for my age. He said my 2001 car accident didn't have 
> anything to do with it - but my chiro told me in 01 that it would come in 
> time because it almost always shows up in a few years after a major 
> collision. Anyway - what's the scoop on all these meds. before I decide to go 
> ahead and take them I just wanted find out if it is worth the time. 
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