Gracie,That is so funny about the "numb butt"...... exactly, exactly how I
feel.... It's like whoa... who's butt is this anyway??? It can't be mine....
but it just keeps following me wherever I go. And your right about the
legs... we could go on forever in this group about leg sensations.... I was
given a beautiful nightgown...I couldn't tell my friend it was the most
painful gift she could have ever given me.
Well, it's a new day.... and there is always "hope"....

On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 11:58 PM, Grace M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    *Hi Trudy,*
> *You're definitely not alone on this one.  Sitting down on my numb butt,
> took a lot of getting used to.  It doesn't feel like *mine* but rather
> someone elses, if that makes any sense.  It's become so normal to me now,
> that I can ignore it for the most part.  The crazy neuropathic symptoms,
> drive me nuts, though.  Stinging, sensation of having water on my legs,
> prickling, fasiculations.  Makes me so crazy sometimes that I just go to
> bed.  *
> **
> *Gracie*

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