Hey Randy.  I have suspected MS (no definite dx yet).  I've had no auditory or 
visual problems but vertigo/dizziness do come periodically.  My sense of smell 
& taste are also affected.  I get pins & needles in my face & sometimes a 
sensation that someone has stabbed me with a shapened pencil somewhere on the 
outside of my head.  All my brain MRIs have been clear so who knows.
Here's something I've never heard discussed on TMIC ...  Periodically, I get 
really high fever.  It usually comes with fatigue, emotional upset, etc.  The 
doctors have no answer.  I just think it's the nerve damage screwing up my 
thermostat.  Anyone else get fever?
Diane in Canada
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: randy rankin 
  To: TM Group 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 9:29 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] is this an M.S. problem?

        I have had some ear problems for the past few weeks. I went from 
hearing well to sudden hearing problems, vertigo and blurriness with my vision. 
When I talk, I hear the sounds of my voice muffled up inside of my head and not 
like the usually normal hearing. The ear doctor cleaned up my ear and it took 3 
trips. My hearing seemed improved but a lot of the wierdness kept going on - 
and I am hoping that it will just clear up. 
        But the reason that I am writing is because the ear doctor said that a 
lot of my problems seemed to have a neurological basis. I have had vertigo, 
dizziness and things just seem wierd. My vision has been off in a very odd way 
especially when I either try to focus or if I move my head or something moves 
by me. 
        He brought this up without prior knowledge of my history with TM and 
the other oddities that I had had and wanted me to have an MRI to check to see 
if my odd auditory and vision issues were being caused from something in my 
brain. He asked me specifically if I had ever had problems with tingling, 
numbness or other M.S. type symptoms and thinks that my neuro should check it 
        I'm very skeptical about his ideas yet also a little nervous about 
doubting his speculations.
        Those of you who have MS, have you ever heard/experienced odd things 
like sudden vertigo, dizziness, vision and auditory changes ect.? I'm very 
nervous about this. I have already gone through two foot drops, loss of my 
right leg, loss of bladder function and the pain and miserable mobility issues 
that come with TM, the physical thearpy and finally I am for the first time 
walking and getting around without spasms or pain. I am not ready for a new 
bout with a new problem .  

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