When the band starts to hurt and you described it very well, I know that
the pain is going to get worse from my breast line on down.  It feels like a
steel wire just getting tighter and tighter.  It hurts so bad and then the
pain intensifies from there on down.  I usually add Tylenol or Ibuprofen to
what I'm already taking to take the edge off but it just makes my whole body
drag. It makes me tired just to breathe!!  You explained it perfectly.  I
just don't know what triggers it other than the weather.  It does help to do
my water therapy in the hot tub, tho.  Quite a job, having this TM, isn't
it??!!  :)
-------Original Message-------
From: Janet Dunn
Date: 8/10/2009 12:13:11 AM
To: 'jrushton';  'tmic'
Subject: RE: [TMIC] question
Hey Jeanne
When you say that the pain starts worsening at T4 (which is where mine is)
and you know the rest is coming, what do you mean by that?  I am finding
lately that the fatigue is awful.  I spent yesterday morning garage saleing,
and then the afternoon was naptime.  Today, I could hardly drag my butt out
of bed, and I did a little yard work this afternoon, and then back to bed. 
The band is like a jagged razor blade, under my breast.  
I just get so tired, and so sore.  That is what frustrates me.  And yes, the
constant work at keeping the plumbing working.  Yikes that makes me crazy.  
One thing changes in your routine, and you are down for the count for days. 
Enough of that.




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