After more than a week of tests, because of a large spike in blood  sugar and 
a couple of episodes of severe gas and heartburn problems. The  tests 
included blood tests of course. He has not had any problem with elevated  sugar 
the beginning , caused by the IV steroids they used to stop his  spinal cord 
from expanding any further. Anyway the doctor did the blood test and  from 
that decided to do an upper GI. After that he did an ultrasound on his  liver( 
didn't like the sound of that) When he got the ultrasound results back he  set 
up a catscan and waited til he had those results before he told us the  
ultrasound results. He didn't want to tell us those because they suggested a  
possible tumor on the pancreas. By the catscan results it is almost certain 
that  it 
is gall stones and we will be meeting with a surgeon tomorrow morning.  
Naturally we are very happy that this is the diagnosis and are hoping they will 
able to do the scope procedure. I will keep you all posted as we find out  
more. As always we appreciate prayers. Carol and  Jim       PS have any of you 
ourTM family had  any surgical procedures like this and have any stories to  
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