Dear Friend, 

More bad news from Big Pharma.  Internal documents from Pfizer that were 
recently submitted in a lawsuit against  that company showed that the 
pharmaceutical manufacturer tried to put a lid on  medical studies that did not 
the use of its epilepsy drug, Neurontin.  More than that, it seems that the 
marketing arm of Pfizer even went so far as to  delay the publication and even 
ALTER THE CONCLUSIONS OF STUDIES that found that  the drug did not work for 
conditions other than epilepsy. 

Pfizer is  accused of doing this to boost sales – and it must've worked. 
Before the release  of the generic version of Neurontin in 2004, the drug had 
racked up a whopping  $2.7 billion in sales in just one year (2003)! During 
marketing push, the  company alleged that the product was also effective in the 
treatment of pain and  migraines. But the clinical studies did not support 
this claim.  

Naturally, Pfizer has denied these allegations. But the company already  
pleaded guilty and paid $430 million in fines and damages for illegally  
Neurontin back in 2004. So why should we believe they're not to blame  in 
this latest case? 

William Campbell Douglass II,  M.D.

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