I am happy to have people that understand what it is like to be in pain
24/7.  And now, with the winter setting in, just walking in the cold is hard
enough, never mind the winter boots and the weight they add. And the snow -
doesn't seem like much, but it sure adds to the discomfort.  Right Neil?  


And as for the anti-depressants.  Do they really work?  Mine don't seem to
be helping.  Either that or I just need another vacation.




Sent: November 19, 2008 11:29 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Anybody else been there?


I totally agree with all the comments.  I also know that if we didn't have
this list to be able to communicate with about our feelings and "vent"
occasionally,  we would be a lot harder to live with, and not as well off
mentally.  Then again, my anti-depressants help a lot too, lol.


Once in awhile I retreat into my shell and hibernate, usually in the winter
when the pain levels increase, and the family isn't really happy that I
don't care to do much outside of the house.  It's just not fun going
shopping or visiting if you aren't comfortable or good company, and easier
to be inside my warm cocoon.  


Take care all, and keep warm.  Hugs, Barbara A





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