My dear friend, yes, we are blessed, aren't we, since the day we were
affected with the TM.  It has brought more beauty to this world and with
that came you and all of our TM family and friends.  People may look at us
and feel sorry yet glad that it is not them.  God has blessed us, opened our
eyes and hearts where we may not have allowed Him in before.  Our priorities
have changed.  Our 'have' verses 'need' list has changed.  Our worrying
about 'the small stuff' has turned to 'fluff''.  Our ability to care for a
stranger and love them from the bottom of our hearts has been one of the
most blessed parts to me and you are a part of that, dear one.  I wish I
could ease the hurt, truly I do.  Just know that we are so close to you as
you and I are to all of the rest of our TM family of friends.  Jeanne  
-------Original Message-------
Date: 2/7/2009 2:40:36 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Many Thanks
 My Deareast of Freinds, To so a simple thank you is it seems not quite
significant enough to say to you how much it means to send out a call for
help like I had to do concerning my son. At a time like this when I felt
embarrassed to ask for money from people who actually don't owe my family a
thing and to see the out pouring of love and sympathy from many of you was
an amazing thing. Its hard for me to put into words the way it made me feel
just knowing that you all felt my need and distress in this difficult time
in our life with the loss of a son, a freind and such a tender spirit. Jeff
when he was alive read many of the letters from the fine people and was, to
say the least, amazed at the amount of caring from people on the list for
each other. He was so proud, knowing my condition, that I found you all. He
could not believe how willing we all were to give advise to each other in
our times of need. If it helps to sustain us, know this, he is in Heaven, of
this I am sure, spreading to our heavenly Father the fact that people are
good and in a time of need that my needs were met by the most unlikely
source, handicapped people like me who were there in my time of need. We
have all been bless by a crippling disease, not by the way it affected our
mortal body but by our mortal heart. We all deserve a huge hug and a pat on
the back. I cannot express in words the pride I have for the TMA and the IDC
 To say anything more than thank you all, I just don't have the words in my
vocabulary to express how I feel for the out pouring of love. Just let me
say thank you for your help and you can let your mind tell you how proud you
should feel for what you did for someone you barely know. Again Thank you
and concider yourself blessed by God our Father. With all my love, Rick




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