You know something?  Just the short time that I've seen your notes on here,
you can't imagine how much you have helped us, also, and have become such a
special part of my life...  There are so many of you that I have been so
very blessed with and I just don't have the words to truly tell you...loves
and hugs..Jeanne

-------Original Message-------
From: Janice
Date: 5/16/2009 10:38:22 PM
To: jrushton;  Trudy Ogilvie;  tmic
Subject: Re: [TMIC] DEPRESSION,READ MY STORY.long winded
If you don't mind, I want to jump in and say something too.           It has
been 2 1/2 years now since TM.   I have felt
so strongly that I must be the only person in the US that got hit by TM.  
Granted,  I have been very fortunate that I have the  family and close
friends I have.   I love them dearly.    That being said, it has meant the
world to me to be able to
open up to others who absolutely KNOW what I am going through and can even
advise or at the very least, sympathize
in a truly enlightened way.    You guys "rock"!!!!!!!!!!!                   
----- Original Message ----- 
From: jrushton 
To: Trudy Ogilvie ; tmic 
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] DEPRESSION,READ MY STORY.long winded

 Thank you..that was beautiful...Jeanne
-------Original Message-------
From: Trudy Ogilvie
Date: 5/15/2009 1:46:36 PM
To: jeff bernier
Subject: Re: [TMIC] DEPRESSION,READ MY STORY.long winded

After reading all the e-mails it just proves once again that total strangers
- people you've never even met - can be such a driving force in your life.
Where would we be without the "List". To hear how people battle this disease
is awe-inspiring... We share so much of our real feelings.  It's here we are
most ourselves and most truthful. Yes, I've been depressed, yes I have at
times thought I could not go on, yes I have cried in the shower, yes I have
problems with incontinence, yes I have wanted to scream at the top of my
lungs - I am in PAIN, real pain, every single day -24 hours. Yes, I am so,
so fatigued that I just cannot do one more thing today and yes, thank you,
thank you that I have someplace to go where everyone understands - where I
can vent - where I can share - where I can get the best and latest info
about this disease that "attacked" me on Feb. 7, 2002 - My night from hell..
.  I can now walk with a walker and at times a cane. I do believe that I
have improved and continue to improve. And I am also one of those who has a
deep, absolute Faith in my "Creator" and I just want to thank all of you who
are so caring and who take the time to welcome and reply to so many
messages! You are the ones who make this List so awesome.
Trudy Ogilvie
TM/MS  2/07/2002
Fairfax County, Va.




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