No need for you to feel "funny" about posting  re:  sex.  I feel the same 
way as you do.
Losing the desire for sex as well as the  physical ability (all the dust 
balls and spider webs) inside there makes  me feel much less than a woman than 
I certainly used to.   However,
Something happened this week that surprised the  heck out of me and Dave.  
We went out, after a couple of years, and  sought out my previous 
hairstylist, found her and I had my hair colored  blond and then highlighted on 
top of 
that and Dave got his cut which  blended the white in so that it looked 
very nice on him.  We both  found ourselves looking better, feeling like 
dressing better...he shaved  and I put on make-up for the first time in a long 
time.  It is really  nice to feel pretty again for Dave and he says he feels 
the same  way.  It made us have feelings that we hadn't had in a long while 
and  as the saying goes, "where there is a will, there is a  way."
So, without going into details, "a good time was  had by all" and now I 
find myself keeping up with my makeup and making an  effort to get dressed and 
get out of bed, which does take some  effort.
Well, my dear friend, you take care...don't let  yourself get too far down 
today, and remember that Pam is all around you  all of the time as I feel 
her near my side especially when I am working on  a project I know that we 
both would enjoy doing  together.
I love you,
In a message dated 6/24/2009 6:48:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I can't  believe that I am going to reply to this, as it's an issue that I  
just try hard to avoid, but..... okay, so here goes.  During  my first NMO 
hit, I lost all feeling *there*.  At first I was  hopeful that it would 
slowly come back, but my second bad hit sealed the  deal.  I can remember lying 
in my hospital bed trying to get up the  nerve to speak with my doc about 
it.  Finally one day I mentioned  it in passing, but didn't really press the 
matter---I was too  embarrassed.  Later that night, one of my neuro nurses 
came in  to sit and talk with me about the disease, as I was her first NMO  
patient.  We talked a lot about nerves and nerve damage, and as I  was very 
savvy re: the implications of having relapsing NMO, we spoke  freely.  (She's 
amazing, and I've since had her as my nurse in  the neuro ward, many times.) 
 Finally, I just took a big  swallow and blurted it out.  She told me the 
truth, that in my  case it was unlikely that feeling would return, but that  
one should still keep hoping that one day there would be some  increase in 
sensation.  She was correct---I have been numb from my  sensory level 
downwards since 2005.  Most of my body still feels as  if it has been shot up 
Anyways,  I was shell shocked and actually mourned the loss.  To lose  
something that is so integral to one's life, is a violation of  sorts.  It was 
bad enough that I had no control over my  other bodily functions, but the 
loss of physical sexuality was  adding insult to injury.  I felt as if I had 
lost my *person-hood*,  and had suddenly become androgynous.  I still fight 
those feelings,  and yes, sometimes I still cry about it.  Sexual contact 
offers an  intimacy like no other.  Some of us are more sexual than others,  
the loss can often be the cruelest cut of  all.  
These days I  try hard not to ever even think about it.  Whenever I do, I  
become extremely angry at what I perceive to be the unfairness of it  all, 
and I lose sight of what I do still have.  I should be very  grateful for 
every day that I draw a breath---unfortunately, sometimes  the negative 
feelings get the better of me.  For me, it's been  a tough loss to deal with.
Okay, signing  off before I totally embarrass myself.

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