What do you think of "Single Payer", or "Public Insurance Option"  or anything 
else as opposed to our existing system?   I am curious to hear what our group 
thinks of what's going on in Congress regarding this healthcare situation.    

Do some in our group live in Canada?  I would love to hear your comments about 
your experiences with your healthcare system.    Have you personally 
experienced the long waits for important procedures that we hear so much 
about.  Is there a  "Wellness System"  in Canada?  Is it successful?   Are you, 
Canadian TMers, satisfied with your system?  And what about your prescription 
costs?  I just paid $235.93 for 12 pills (Fosamax).  That was my co-pay.  The 
charge was $338.99.   I won't even mention the cost of my other prescriptions.

Comments and experiences please.

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