there is a recent question regarding health care in Canada. although I can not 
speak for other provinces I believe the the following is a standard practice 
among all Canadians. When One fills out their income tax one is charged $518.00 
for medical prescriptions. when one fills out their income tax if one is a low 
income earner the amount is adjusted downwards. I guess the best example I can 
use is my own experience. I am allowed a maximun of $77.20 per month in 
prescription. anything over and above that is free or a a minimun cost for 
example the following is my own order place on July 31st . I must note here 
that I also have ITP metaformin amount 13.59 due 13.59 znaflex $145.10 due 
47.36 baclofen 28.04 due $  8.97 gabapentine $95.37 due $9.61 azayhioprine 
$33.60 due $00.00 total due 79.53 total amount charged without insurance 
$302.11 My wife's prescriptions are also included. and that is only one of 
bymonthly orders of meds.

 regarding health care as seen as various american tv infocommercials Canadians 
do not not go without necesary care . If per chance a needed operation cannot 
be performed in a province one is referred to another. if the operation cannot 
be performed in Canada but is available in the USA then the patient is referred 
to the medical center closest to the patient. all the costs are borne by our 
healthcare system. it is true that certain operations albiet necessaRY BUT NOT 
long and for some of us we must wait. no one is denied hospital care no one 
regardless of their financial circumstances .  everyone is treated equally. 
that is our healthcare system  as a quebecer I also have access to the clsc a 
provincail body dedicated to the wellbeing of those of us who have 
disabilities. they came in accessed my situatioon and provided me WITHOUT ANY 
OUT OF POCKET EXPENSE. the following adjusted our bedroom to make it easier to 
climb in and out. they adjusted our bathroom to accomodate my entering and 
getting out including a special shower accessable in a sitting position. handle 
bars  a raised toilet seat to make it easier to get up and down  the list goes 
on a walker retail $549.00 with a seat as I get spasms every few steps. the 
list goes on. including a Physitherapist who comes in on a regular bases to do 
exercises with me. a clsc nurse who comes here to my apartment to take my blood 
give me my shots .  including flu shots all at no cost to me. in Montreal I 
also have access to ADATPA BUS which will pick me up and bring me to any 
appointemt anywhere in Montreal at a total cost of $2.00 per trip.

 yes many of you americans feel that this is sociallized medicine but those who 
can afford the cost pay those who can't don't. I realize our health care system 
isn't perfect but to me and many others who suffer and have very limited income 
it is a welcome relief  from our every day expenses. I hope this somewhat 
clarifies our situation her north of 60

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