Dear Janice,

I believe that everyone has a creative ability and those that say they have none, just haven't found their medium/genre/mode of expression yet.

As a child I did everything I do now -- and more,truth be told.

In between then and now there were things I dropped/stopped/left. The only things I've done continuously was write and sing. I stopped dancing, instrument playing, and visual artmaking for years. When my mother died in 1996, my grief left me dumbstruck and I started working with hot glass and making paper. So I believe that at any time
something may arrive to open that door to some new creative possibility.

Joy in the making,
Akua (who is mourning the death of Michael Jackson)

I was just thinking the last few days of all of the responses from TM'ers that are artistic. There are quite a few of you. You seem to have a varied interest in the arts and are still doing your thing. Coming from one who has absolutely no artistic ability, I really respect what you all do. I have always appreciated the arts (all forms), just was only able to appreciate it from afar. Thanks for
what you donate to pretty up the world!               Janice


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