TM is essentially a spinal cord injury, except it didn't result from an accident. When you have a car crash and you inju a small part of the spical cord...everything below tends to be affected...TM is no different. A lesion means that the electric signals are cut off (to varying degrees) at that point. I know that in our rehab hospital, we are looked at, and treated no differently than the SCI patients, except that we have a greater chance of recovery.

On Practical-Homeschooling: Free Unit Studies About Canada and China.

On 09/01/2010 8:54 PM, L T CHERPESKI wrote:
The spine map is great. But there is one thing to remember. My doctors explained this to me and I have seen it here in the literature that the TMA provides - anything from your lesion and BELOW is/can be affected. For instance, my lesions are up high in the cervical area, near my neck. Anything below my neck is affected - arms, hands, bladder (neurogenic bladder), spasms, balance, one leg can be worse than the other - true of so many of us TMers here on the site. You might ask those who were "hit" in the T-spine if this is true with their challenges. For the most part, are they ok ABOVE the T area? Good topic. Hopefully some will drop in and share their experiences.

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Janice Nichols <>
    *To:* Gary Thomas <> ; <> ; randy
    rankin <> ; Barbara H.
    *Cc:* <>
    *Sent:* Saturday, January 09, 2010 8:21 PM
    *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

    Thanks, but now I know, thanks to Gracie, about the "spine map"
    and I can
    refer to it any time you guys talk about your pain sites.
    Feels so good to be so smart!

    From: "Gary Thomas" <
    Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 7:43 PM
    To: < <>>; "randy
    rankin" < <>>; "Barbara
    H." < <>>; "Janice
    Nichols" < <>>
    Cc: < <>>
    Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

> My MRI report says the lesion, if I understand it, is at C 5,6. Janice,
    > you said not the # but that is what the report says and
    according to the
    > "map" that looks to be about where I had the excruciating pain on
    > 4/28/2004--a pain in the neck, literally!
    > Gary in snowy, cold Michigan
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: < <>>
    > To: "randy rankin" <
    <>>; "Barbara H."
    > < <>>; "Janice
    Nichols" < <>>
    > Cc: < <>>
    > Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 1:20 PM
    > Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question
    >> ---- Janice Nichols <
    <>> wrote:
    >>> How high up did you all get hit by TM?     Give me the part of
    the body,
    >>> not the #.        Thanks, Janice
    >>> From: Barbara H.
    >>> Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 10:40 AM
    >>> To: randy rankin
    >>> Cc: <>
    >>> Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question
    >>> Yes, I have experienced "electric shock" symptoms in different
    >>> It was most disturbing on the back of my head -- I really thought
    >>> something was going wrong inside. But it was just a nerve in
    the muscles
    >>> misfiring and setting off that "jolt."
    >>> Barbara H.
    >>> On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:39 PM, randy rankin
    < <>>
    >>> wrote:
    >>>            I would like to know if any of you have had the
    >>> symptom(s)
    >>>           I try to read everything people write and this might
    >>> already been addressed
    >>>           Yesterday, I had a power electric shock to my entire
    right arm
    >>> to the tip of my fingers.  It wasn't a moving sensation.  The
    entire arm
    >>> just felt like I just grabed an electric wire.
    >>>           The only motion that I made before it happened was
    to raise my
    >>> RIGHT arm up to write on a board. I think I raised my head
    upwards to
    >>> look at the board.
    >>>           less than two hours later the same even happened to
    my RIGHT
    >>> arm except I looked down, from a seated position, and reach to
    get my
    >>> cell phone.  The second that I touched the phone and just
    started to
    >>> curl my fingers around it a more powerful electrical shock hit
    my entire
    >>> right arm. It hurt and frightened me.
    >>>           Has anyone exprienced this?
    >>>           The back of my neck has been hurting.  It does NOT
    hurt to
    >>> move my neck except to look down.  I can't stand that.

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