A lot of us have bladder issues with TM.  When TM hit me, it took me a full day 
and a half to realize that I hadn't gone.  I just didn't have any feeling.  So 
I put myself on a "potty" schedule. My doc sent me to a Urologist in Seattle 
who was very familiar with TM.  I had the neurogenic bladder test (not that 
pleasant), but really glad I had it.  I was told that my bladder was not 
emptying completely - in fact, hardly at all, but since I couldn't feel it, how 
would I know.  So I was taught to self-cath.  I have done this for almost 8 
years now.  However, by some miracle, in the last year I have gotten some 
feeling back and find I only have to cath maybe twice a day.  The rest of the 
time I can just go on my own.  I know it is said for the most part after 2 
years whatever we're left with is what it is.  But I really have not found that 
to be completely true.  Many areas of my body have improved, a wonderful 
surprise, and then some things have pretty much been the same.
It sounds like you may not have all your feeling back yet.  And read any of the 
posts on the Message Forum - the bladder is usually the slowest to come back.  
But never give up.  It sounds like your bladder may be doing a variety of 
things??  Did you have any tests when you saw the urologist?  Are you on 
bladder meds?
Ok - got some questions for you to answer This is great - it's how we can help 
each other.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Janice Nichols<mailto:jan...@centurytel.net> 
  To: L T CHERPESKI<mailto:cherp...@msn.com> ; Gary 
Thomas<mailto:gbthomas8...@sbcglobal.net> ; 
pjv1...@chartermi.net<mailto:pjv1...@chartermi.net> ; randy 
rankin<mailto:rj_ran...@yahoo.com> ; Barbara H.<mailto:barbara...@gmail.com> 
  Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com<mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com> 
  Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 9:20 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

  Right.    Mine is the mid thoracic and down to my toes.   I also have one leg 
better than the other.    Now, what is a neurogenic bladder - one affected by 
TM and either slow to "wake" up or just doing odd things at
  odd times?    I don't think I quite have all my feeling back yet or maybe it 
is damaged from TM.    I go back to my urologist this month for my first yearly 
check.   Do I have questions for this man!!!     For those of you
  who have had TM longer than 3 years, how much change to your bladder have you 
noticed?    Any improvement?

  From: L T CHERPESKI<mailto:cherp...@msn.com> 
  Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 9:54 PM
  To: Gary Thomas<mailto:gbthomas8...@sbcglobal.net> ; 
pjv1...@chartermi.net<mailto:pjv1...@chartermi.net> ; randy 
rankin<mailto:rj_ran...@yahoo.com> ; Barbara H.<mailto:barbara...@gmail.com> ; 
Janice Nichols<mailto:jan...@centurytel.net> 
  Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com<mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com> 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

  The spine map is great.  But there is one thing to remember.  My doctors 
explained this to me and I have seen it here in the literature that the TMA 
provides - anything from your lesion and BELOW is/can be affected.  For 
instance, my lesions are up high in the cervical area, near my neck. Anything 
below my neck is affected - arms, hands, bladder (neurogenic bladder), spasms, 
balance, one leg can be worse than the other - true of so many of us TMers here 
on the site.

  You might ask those who were "hit" in the T-spine if this is true with their 
challenges.  For the most part, are they ok ABOVE the T area?  Good topic.  
Hopefully some will drop in and share their experiences.
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Janice Nichols<mailto:jan...@centurytel.net> 
    To: Gary Thomas<mailto:gbthomas8...@sbcglobal.net> ; 
pjv1...@chartermi.net<mailto:pjv1...@chartermi.net> ; randy 
rankin<mailto:rj_ran...@yahoo.com> ; Barbara H.<mailto:barbara...@gmail.com> 
    Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com<mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com> 
    Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 8:21 PM
    Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

    Thanks, but now I know, thanks to Gracie, about the "spine map" and I can 
    refer to it any time you guys talk about your pain sites.
    Feels so good to be so smart!

    From: "Gary Thomas" 
    Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 7:43 PM
    To: <pjv1...@chartermi.net<mailto:pjv1...@chartermi.net>>; "randy rankin" 
<rj_ran...@yahoo.com<mailto:rj_ran...@yahoo.com>>; "Barbara 
    H." <barbara...@gmail.com<mailto:barbara...@gmail.com>>; "Janice Nichols" 
    Cc: <tmic-list@eskimo.com<mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com>>
    Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

    > My MRI report says the lesion, if I understand it, is at C 5,6.  Janice, 
    > you said not the # but that is what the report says and according to the 
    > "map" that looks to be about where I had the excruciating pain on 
    > 4/28/2004--a pain in the neck, literally!
    > Gary in snowy, cold Michigan
    > ----- Original Message ----- 
    > From: <pjv1...@chartermi.net<mailto:pjv1...@chartermi.net>>
    > To: "randy rankin" <rj_ran...@yahoo.com<mailto:rj_ran...@yahoo.com>>; 
"Barbara H." 
    > <barbara...@gmail.com<mailto:barbara...@gmail.com>>; "Janice Nichols" 
    > Cc: <tmic-list@eskimo.com<mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com>>
    > Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 1:20 PM
    > Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question
    >> ---- Janice Nichols 
<jan...@centurytel.net<mailto:jan...@centurytel.net>> wrote:
    >>> How high up did you all get hit by TM?     Give me the part of the 
    >>> not the #.        Thanks, Janice
    >>> From: Barbara H.
    >>> Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 10:40 AM
    >>> To: randy rankin
    >>> Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com<mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com>
    >>> Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question
    >>> Yes, I have experienced "electric shock" symptoms in different places. 
    >>> It was most disturbing on the back of my head -- I really thought 
    >>> something was going wrong inside. But it was just a nerve in the 
    >>> misfiring and setting off that "jolt."
    >>> Barbara H.
    >>> http://barbarah.wordpress.com<http://barbarah.wordpress.com/>
    >>> On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:39 PM, randy rankin 
    >>> wrote:
    >>>            I would like to know if any of you have had the following 
    >>> symptom(s)
    >>>           I try to read everything people write and this might have 
    >>> already been addressed
    >>>           Yesterday, I had a power electric shock to my entire right 
    >>> to the tip of my fingers.  It wasn't a moving sensation.  The entire 
    >>> just felt like I just grabed an electric wire.
    >>>           The only motion that I made before it happened was to raise 
    >>> RIGHT arm up to write on a board. I think I raised my head upwards to 
    >>> look at the board.
    >>>           less than two hours later the same even happened to my RIGHT 
    >>> arm except I looked down, from a seated position, and reach to get my 
    >>> cell phone.  The second that I touched the phone and just started to 
    >>> curl my fingers around it a more powerful electrical shock hit my 
    >>> right arm. It hurt and frightened me.
    >>>           Has anyone exprienced this?
    >>>           The back of my neck has been hurting.  It does NOT hurt to 
    >>> move my neck except to look down.  I can't stand that.


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