Thanks. My company has set me up to work 2 days/week at home. More if it
snows or rains bad

Honeywell Engineering
-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 1:53 PM
To: Butcher, Bernie (S&FS); Janice Nichols;; Amanda
Subject: RE: [TMIC] ADEM

I am amazed byal l of you who are able to work (as in paid employment).
I am ambitious, but can't imagine working to a schedule.  My hat is off
to each of you.  

Patti - Michigan  
---- "Butcher wrote: 
> With TM, it started with shoulder pain, went to doctor & he found
> weakness in left side, arm & leg
> Hospitalized for 10 days, lots of steroids & antibiotics. After that,
> could walk OK but left arm tingly and uncoordinated.
> 2005, started falling, used cane, then in 2006, walker - 2008:
> wheelchair
> I can walk with walker, but only 15 minutes. At days end, completely
> shot
> Still working and driving, but driving is getting scary
> Honeywell Engineering
> 516-577-5868
> ________________________________
> From: Janice Nichols [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 1:18 PM
> To: Butcher, Bernie (S&FS); Amanda Diskey;
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] ADEM
> Did you have a sudden attack the way most of us did with TM or was it
> gradual?    Don't mean to bug you, just curious.
> Janice
> From: Butcher, Bernie (S&FS) <>  
> Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 7:28 AM
> To: Janice Nichols <>  ; Amanda Diskey
> <>  ; 
> Subject: RE: [TMIC] ADEM
> I was diagnosed with TM in 2002 and MS in 2008. I think it was MS all
> along.
> Yes, it is similar, I really don't feel any different, just the double
> vision in 2007, which I recovered from
> Honeywell Engineering
> 516-577-5868
> ________________________________
> From: Janice Nichols [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 11:27 PM
> To: Butcher, Bernie (S&FS); Amanda Diskey;
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] ADEM
> Bernie,
> Do you "feel" different having MS too?    Aren't the symptoms-pain,
> legs, etc- the same as TM, or not?     I realize TM doesn't affect
> vision, but for the rest, is it pretty similar?
> Janice
> From: Butcher, Bernie (S&FS) <>  
> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 6:47 AM
> To: Janice Nichols <>  ; Amanda Diskey
> <>  ; 
> Subject: RE: [TMIC] ADEM
> That's my understanding too. Up until 2008, my leasons were seen in my
> spinal cord. Then in late 2007 I started seeing double, MRI showed a
> lesion in my optic nerve. That's when it became MS
> Bernie
> ________________________________
> From: Janice Nichols [] 
> Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 11:13 PM
> To: Amanda Diskey;
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] ADEM
> I thought those with MS had the brain scars and we, TM, have spinal
> scars.
> Janice
> From: Amanda Diskey <>  
> Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 2:48 PM
> To: 
> Subject: [TMIC] ADEM
> So, my doctor called from John Hopkins Hospital and he says that I
> have transverse myelitis. Now he says that I have acute disseminated
> encephalomyelitis.  I had my attack in August of 08 and now I don't
> what to think.  My neurologist here says that it is just a case of
> transverse myelitis.  None of my brain MRIs have shown swelling.  The
> first MRI showed a couple of white spots, and the one I had done in
> December said that it looked better.  I had a biopsy done because they
> did a CAT scan of my chest and they thought there were granulomas but
> when they did do the biopsy it came back normal he said there were no
> granulomas the only side effect I have is the swelling in my spine so
> don't understand how he can say that I have acute disseminated
> encephalomyelitis.  Every time they run tests they come back normal
> blood work, CT scan, and biopsy.  My MRIs of my spine still look the
> same, but none of the reports from the brain MRIs (the original or the
> recent MRI)  have said anything about being abnormal.  Local
> says my brain MRIs are clean even one when I had my attack this makes
> sense.  Any advice?

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