
It looks like by bringing her home you allowed her to see that you
were ok, to share time with you, and then you let her go in the quiet
comfort of her own home.

I'm sure this is tough! But I believe you did the right thing and as
time passes you will be at peace with your loss. 

My thoughts continue to be with you.


My Mom passed sometime during the night Friday night.

I am struggling to absorb this.

At least I had a few hours with her before she passed
because she was brought home from the hospital during
the day Friday.

I told her I loved her many times. She was in such a
weakened state she could barely nod, but she knew who
I was and what I was saying.

I thought..hoped I'd have a little more time with her,
but at least she is not suffering anymore.

Thank you all for your kindness during this difficult

It is painful.


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