Hello TMIC group,

We were part of a wonderful wedding of our god-daughter in Denver.  She has 
married a very nice man.  It looks like they have a very good life ahead of 
them and we are so happy for them.  They both love to travel and he is an Air 
Force pilot, so they will travel to a new base every few years, which they are 
looking forward to.  So, this  means that we'll get to visit them in other 
places too, yeah!!  While in Denver we went to the Jack n Grill where they 
serve a 7 lb burrito, so we shared on between 4 people.  We didn't even eat 
half of it, and all ate for $15.  It was really good, but can you believe that 
there are people that eat the whole thing?  They do, and get their photo on the 
wall.  About 3 are ordered each day to try and about only one a month is 
consumed by a single person.

I want to thank Janice and her daughter for her referrals for our time in 
Kansas City.  We had a great time at the Steamship Arabia (www.1856.com) in 
case anyone is interested.  It was a totally amazing experience for us to see 
this, as Pete had seen part of a program on TV about digging up this ship in 
Missouri.  We watched a short video and then one of the 5 men who are 
responsible for this fabulous museum and all of the artifacts, etc came into 
the room and gave a short talk and took some questions.  It was a thrill to 
meet him and talk to him about this, it was like going back in time for us and 
we could almost imagine what it would have been like to find some of the 
treasures that they did.  They continue to restore items and add to the museum 
and are looking for a larger space as they won't have enough room soon.  I 
highly recommend this to anyone who has a chance to go and very accessible.

We also went to the Liberty WWI Memorial Museum and it was very interesting.  I 
was a terrible history student, so I learned a lot.  Pete always gets upset 
that I don't know a lot of my history, but I learn some here and there.  Then 
yesterday we went to the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum on our way to 
Branson.  Also, so interesting, as he was President when I was born and I knew 
very little about him as well.  But, I forgot the BBQ.  We had to have some BBQ 
in Kansas City, yummy.

We are now in Branson, MO.  Having a good time, and eating in fun restaurants.  
Tonight we went to Lamberts Cafe, where they throw the rolls.  Lots of fun and 
such good food.  We've heard of it on the Food Channel.  As you can see, we are 
have a food itinerary, as well an entertainment and enrichment itinerary, lol.  
We'll see several shows while in Branson, then onto Indianapolis to visit our 
friends.  But, have a short stop in St. Louis for some BBQ on the way, lol.

I'll be checking in soon, all is well, I'm holding up well, and we are taking 
it slowly.  I hope everyone is doing well also.

Hugs to all from Barbara (from Auburn CA, but presently a nomad) 

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