I am taking 300mg of Neurontin four times a day.  I am allright more or less in 
the mornings but exhausted by about 4 PM.  I have a full time job but work from 
home.  It never takes the pain away completely but when I tried to lower the 
dose to 200 mg 4 times a day, I couldn't bear the pain and resorted to 
hydrocodeine to get me through the evenings more or less.   I added 
amitriptilene (just 5 mg at night) for neck pain but the combination left me 
irritable and on edge in general, in the AM which is when I was functioning 
better so I stopped it.  Now have a newly prescribed (today) lidocaine patch 
for the back pain....not expecting too much.

I would love to know what works for people but in the descriptions today and 
before I have come to understand that every person's tolerance for drugs and 
symptoms based on where the lesion is and how extensive it is and whether it is 
active or not...are what produce effects or not. 

It is complex and one must navigate the meds trying things one by one and 
evaluating the results. Good luck.


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