NeurontinI have been on neurontin for over 3 years and have no side effects.    
Switched to Lyrica when it came out, and I too  became swollen and miserable.   
Went right off
of that!     I do not have a severe banding, so not sure if meds take care of 
it or I was just lucky.                                I wonder with the brain 
MRI if they suspected MS.
It is my understanding that MS shows scars on brain and TM shows it on the 
spine.                                Do pain meds help the banding and where 
is yours?    Mine,
such as it is, is on my right side, waist area.
Keep us posted on how you are doing.

From: Robert Pall 
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 7:42 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Neurontin

I went last week to a new Neuro recommended to me by Dr. Kerr. Besides having 
me take new MRI's including the brain (never had this one before) he is taking 
me off Cymbalta and starting me up on Neurontin ( 100 mg per day). He saw no 
reason to be taking Cymbalta as I am already taking Lyrica and according to the 
new Dr. both Cymbalta and Lyrica do the same thing and taking both of them is 
not effective  it is just overkill. I wonder if any of the other members who 
are taking both Lyrica and Cymbalta were ever told this.and what should I 
expect from the neurontin? I am hoping it will help the banding. What negative 
side effects have any of you suffered with the neurontin?


Rob in New Jersey 

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