You don't have to stick with this Dr. just because Dr. Kerr recommended him. the advantage of taking Lyrica over Neurontin if you don't have side effects is that it is more effective at vastly smaller dosages : 75 mg rather than 300 mg several times a day.

I have taken the combination of lyrica and cymbalta together for 2 years, Cymbalta is an antidepressant which for some unknown reason helps reduce nerve damage pain as a positive side effect. I requested it because i felt like jumping off a cliff to stop the pain and I was depressed and angry about contracting TM. I went off Cymbalta when I felt ready to face living again. never tried neurontin and I've been told if I 'm doing well on Lyrica not to switch.

My neuro dumped me as a patient because he said I had a 4 in a million chance of a reoccurrence and any well informed family Dr, could manage my pain treatment. this has worked really well for me, my Dr. reads whatever info I hand her about TM and she asks me what meds you all on the tmic list are taking. I now take 75 mg lyrica am 50 mg pm amantadine to counter the drowziness. a blood pressure med and a prescription antacid/reflux.
Mindy King

On May 17, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Robert Pall wrote:

I went last week to a new Neuro recommended to me by Dr. Kerr. Besides having me take new MRI's including the brain (never had this one before) he is taking me off Cymbalta and starting me up on Neurontin ( 100 mg per day). He saw no reason to be taking Cymbalta as I am already taking Lyrica and according to the new Dr. both Cymbalta and Lyrica do the same thing and taking both of them is not effective it is just overkill. I wonder if any of the other members who are taking both Lyrica and Cymbalta were ever told this… and what should I expect from the neurontin? I am hoping it will help the banding. What negative side effects have any of you suffered with the neurontin?


Rob in New Jersey

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