Hi Again Rob


I do have one more thing I would like feedback on.  With all these lovely
"cough cough ahem" drugs I am taking, I am now exhibiting signs and symptoms
of Type 2 diabetes.


Anyone else out there have this problem?  It is doubly hard to fight it
because of the limited mobility.  




From: Janet Dunn [mailto:j.d...@shaw.ca] 
Sent: May 17, 2010 9:45 AM
To: 'Robert Pall'; tmic-l...@eskimo.net
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Neurontin


Hi Rob.


I couldn't take neurontin.  I am on Lyrica, have been for four years now.
75 mg a.m. and 150 mg p.m.  It has virtually stopped the banding, and the
burning in the feet.  I am actually going to lower the dosage to 75 twice a
day.  However, that has been delayed because of my "inability to pace
myself"  so I have paid for it  with high pain levels in my legs - but not
nerve pain.  I am also taking effexor, welbutrin, and long acting oxycodone.
I supplement that, as needed, with regular oxy during the day - so if the
pain is high - then oxy during the day, or baclofen, - it is a tricky road
so I monitor my symptoms constantly.  


I am seeing a pain specialist in Vancouver BC  three times a year - he just
writes a script for many months, and I fill as I see fit.  That is how it
works here in Fort St John.  


Now, with my son exhibiting what the neurologist is labeling TM, I have no
idea what the doctor is going to do here in town.  We will find out today -
right now he is not managing his pain - he is simply coping with it - " I am
tough, I can take it" (he is 15).  He takes 2 percocet in the evening so he
can walk the dog - he uses a cane.  


Good luck with the neurontin - my money is on the lyrica and the effexor -
in combination they work wonderful.  I do not know what is in Cymbalta, and
honestly - I will google it asap. 




From: Robert Pall [mailto:rp...@neillsupply.com] 
Sent: May 17, 2010 5:43 AM
To: tmic-l...@eskimo.net
Subject: [TMIC] Neurontin


I went last week to a new Neuro recommended to me by Dr. Kerr. Besides
having me take new MRI's including the brain (never had this one before) he
is taking me off Cymbalta and starting me up on Neurontin ( 100 mg per day).
He saw no reason to be taking Cymbalta as I am already taking Lyrica and
according to the new Dr. both Cymbalta and Lyrica do the same thing and
taking both of them is not effective  it is just overkill. I wonder if any
of the other members who are taking both Lyrica and Cymbalta were ever told
this.and what should I expect from the neurontin? I am hoping it will help
the banding. What negative side effects have any of you suffered with the


Rob in New Jersey 

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