When I first came out of the Hospital I went to a Chiro for around 6
months. For me it was a total waste of time.
Rob in New Jersey


From: Janice Nichols [mailto:jan...@centurytel.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 11:31 PM
To: jrushton; Robert Pall; tmic;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Cymbalta & Lyrica

I don't see how a chiro can help with the banding pain.    What does he

From: jrushton <mailto:jrush...@columbiaenergyllc.com>  
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 10:11 AM
To: Robert Pall <mailto:rp...@neillsupply.com>  ; tmic
<mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com>  ; 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Cymbalta & Lyrica

 Thanks, Rob.  I know Cymbalta also helps with the pain but I feel
'dull' when I take it, meaning I feel like I'm dragging and no energy.
They now have a generic which helps with the cost but haven't heard
anything about how it works compared to the name brand. I use the Lyrica
and Tramadol together and that seems to really help with the pain but
that 'band' pain sometimes takes over and even those two can't help it.
Since I've gone to the chiro, I have had tremendous relief with the
banding pain. ??? Jeanne in Dayton, WA (5 years May 20)
-------Original Message-------
From: Robert Pall <mailto:rp...@neillsupply.com> 
Date: 5/18/2010 7:00:20 AM
To: tmic-l...@eskimo.net
Subject: [TMIC] Cymbalta & Lyrica

I mentioned last week that I went to a new Neuro in New Jersey and he
recommended that I stop Cymbalta (cold turkey) wait a couple of weeks
and start on Neurontin. His reason was that I am already on Lyrica and
Cymbalta does the same thing so I was just supposedly doubling up.
Anyway it has been a week since I stopped the Cymbalta and I have
started getting terrible banding in both legs and especially around my
trunk area. Doing my own test I took a Cynbalta and within a few minutes
I started feeling better again. It now appears obvious to me that
somehow or other the combination of Lyrica and Cymbalta was working for
me and I plan on going back on it. I would appreciate feedback by
members who take both of these drugs and how they have helped them. In
addition on top of these 2 drugs should I consider the Neurontin to
further reduce the banding?

Rob in New jersey 





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