MRIs of the thoracic spine were taken and then another one with contrast and it was in these MRIs where they could see abnormalities (lesions). He was then turned over to a team on neurologists and more tests (cat scans, blood tests, MRIs, and spinal taps) were taken. He was also tested for every known viral and/or immune disease known to mankind to include Lupus, Lyme, Herpes, HIV, Hepatitis, just to name a few.

Me too, the tests seemed endless and were awful. The last thing they thought it might be was cytomegalovirus a 21 day test. I was so excited thinking it might be something that then they could fix it. But no, I was "idiopathic"

my numbness began on 9/11/2005 just below my tail bone. I went to the chiro for 4 weeks who said if it progressed to constipation to see the doctor It did, i did and the doctor couldn't get me in for a MRI anytime soon. She said if i felt any further numbness to go to emergency. About a week later, in the city I was working in, Rochester, i woke with cartoon legs, drove myself to emergency spent a weekend in the hospital where they gave me pred. and thenoral... I walked in and walked out but six weeks after that on 11/14/05 at 3:04 am after going to the bathroom, I was suddenly unable to walk, fell on the floor, crawled to the phone (my bedroom was on the second floor of my house). wriggled in some pants, called the cat stitter so emergency wouldn't break down my door to get to me. I haven't walked again and was away from my home for over two years. It was deemed idiopathic each time. But now that i know a bit more I wish i had received the blood treatment some have received and wonder if the steroids helped or hurt-- setting me up for the recurrence that has left me paralyzed. Who knows? In the beginning
the tests hurt more than the condition.

I hope all resolves well for your husband. He can walk and move his legs which is a great sign!



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