There is a lot to what you are saying.    I would think that Akua's church, if 
the knew her plight, would gladly help her.

From: Barbara Alma 
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:16 AM
To: ; 
Subject: [TMIC] where are the good deads?


While growing up we were taught that if there was something we could do to 
assist another we were expected to do so. This meant like crossing the street, 
carrying groceries, etc if we were children. Then as we were older, it extended 
to picking up extra groceries when we shopped for ours, and larger tasks as 

It seems that these days there are so many more churces than there were when I 
was a child, and I find less people helping those in need of help.  When I 
attended church we had a bulletin that would would enlist the help of those who 
could and ask those who needed help or knew of anyone within the congregation 
or out that needed it.

Is this something that just doesn't happen anymore? Do people not offer to help 
each other any longer unless they know you? I remember my mother giving 
somebody gas money when they helped her with a ride home when her car died and 
them putting it back in her pocket many times

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Akua <>
Sent: Tue, Sep 28, 2010 12:25 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] It's my birthday

I hear you. 11/14/2005 I fell to the floor and have yet to stand. I live alone, 
have been abandoned by friends and family, lost my employment ( fired because I 
was in a wheelchair), almost lost my home twice when a pipe burst while I was 
in another city in rehab, lost all my savings. TM destroyed life as I knew it. 
YET I breathe without assistance, think, dream and write. It is infinitely less 
than what I want, or what I did. But there are still ways to be, to contribute 
and things to enjoy. 
I have help once a week for two hours to do grocery shopping because that's all 
I am allowed. 
I can't afford to pay the $50/hour "private pay" so United Way offers 
subsidized assistance -- 
so I pay $25 a week to get my $60 worth of groceries. 
If there were some modicum of infrastructure here--- paratransit-- I could get 
therapy and work and shop for myself. As there is none, I get none. 
I envy you Hawaii and ream of winning some prize that would enable me to move 
that it is warm all year -- I'm in upstate New York. 
I join you in prayer and live in hope for reprieve, healing, relief. One moment 
at a time Jim. In this moment, I am up, the sun shines, pain is at a low murmur 
and I am keying in the thoughts. 
Strength and perseverance, 
>I'm Jim and I've only had TM for 6 months. I'm 63 and have led a >very active 
>life here in Hawaii. In a two day period in March I >became paralyzed from the 
>waist down. No bladder or bowel function. >A week of Solu-medrol and then a 
>week of IVIG treatment that cost >27,000 and no results. Neither my wife or I 
>are able to work (she >cares for me) and we are going into bankruptcy. We've 
>lost the >house and live with my son. I cry for my wife who has to suffer with 
>>me. I pray and pray for relief. I have almost committed suicide >several 
>times but leaving my wife that way has held me together. I >can not imagine 
>living like this for 10 or more years. Kudos to all >of you who have managed 
>some level of happiness. 

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