Now I think you have been hitting the pain meds to hard.             Janice

From: john snodgrass 
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 6:48 PM
To: transverse myelitis 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Doc Pomus

      bragg was a good ole dog,,,then he died....

      (this message is not intnded to upset anyone who may or may not have had 
a pet that may have recently passed away. I have  dogs and 3 cats in this house 
and 2 dogs outside that have petitioned the courts that they too may come 

      --- On Thu, 11/18/10, Janice Nichols <> wrote:

        From: Janice Nichols <>
        Subject: Re: [TMIC] Doc Pomus
        To: "john snodgrass" <>, "Dalton Garis" 
        Cc: "transverse myelitis" <>
        Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010, 6:20 PM

        Now I think you are bragging!     

        From: john snodgrass 
        Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 1:44 PM
        To: Dalton Garis 
        Cc: transverse myelitis 
        Subject: Re: [TMIC] Doc Pomus

              he is the Ordinator,,,all others are co-ordinators   :)

              --- On Thu, 11/18/10, Dalton Garis <> wrote:

                From: Dalton Garis <>
                Subject: Re: [TMIC] Doc Pomus
                To: "john snodgrass" <>, "transverse myelitis" 
                Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010, 1:31 PM

                That is great news!

                And from Coal Industry management!!!

                Say: All is from God!


                From: john snodgrass <>
                Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 07:11:52 -0800 (PST)
                To: transverse myelitis <>
                Subject: Re: [TMIC] Doc Pomus
                Resent-From: <>
                Resent-Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 07:14:05 -0800

                I had an interesting call from the head of the human resources 
department this morning.
                each coal mine has a HR man,this was the "big man"
                he sounded understanding and said that he would help me to get 
in temporary total disability until my social security disability went into 
                i was expecting the Ax
                it doesnt pay much but at least it helps and i keep my 
insurance for 6 months.

                --- On Wed, 11/17/10, Janice Nichols <> 

                  From: Janice Nichols <>
                  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Doc Pomus
                  To: "john snodgrass" <>, "transverse 
myelitis" <>
                  Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 11:24 PM

                  Would you believe that on "House" that they had a patient 
they diagnosed with TM?!    It was brought on by some other problem, not 
idiopathec.    But, it was at
                  least exposure to TM.   

                  From: john snodgrass 
                  Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:18 PM
                  To: transverse myelitis 
                  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Doc Pomus

                  lol,,sounds like a good "House" episode

                  --- On Wed, 11/17/10, Dalton Garis < 
<> > wrote:

                    From: Dalton Garis < 
<> >
                    Subject: Re: [TMIC] Doc Pomus
<> , "TMIC" 
<> >
                    Cc: "Brooks Garis" < 
<> >
                    Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 7:18 PM

                    Well, Bernie;

                    I can fully appreciate the problem of mis-diagnosis, 
because I have gone from being a whole bunch of things this past year, to wit:

                      1.. Could be Lyme Disease.  No, that’s not right. All 
tests were negative for Lyme.  But you never know! 
                      2.. Ok!  Multiple Sclerosis.  That’s it, because it is 
targeting just the left side and you had two attacks more than one month apart 
from which you mostly recovered.  Ah, not so fast.  We’ll call it, 
“demyelinating disease, unspecified.” 
                      3.. It’s TM.  Definitely!  It is on both sides of your 
body equally now; it followed a severe, unexplained backache, it affects you 
from the level of several thoracic vertebrae, and your reactions are 
hypersensitive, you are spasmodic all over, there is banding pain in the torso, 
and . . . , and . . . , and . . . . Diagnosis: “Transverse myelitis, partial.” 
                      4.. (5 months later) Well, good news!  The MRI  was 
basically clear in spine and brain, except where we can’t see because of your 
steel rods (most of the back), and some weird stuff in your brainstem.  It is 
therefore likely all due to your old back fusions and the steel rods.  We’ll 
hold off re-diagnosing for now. 
                      5.. OK, wait: The old back fusions and steel rods are all 
pristine.  No difficulty there.  Maybe epilepsy, That could explain a lot of 
what you seem to be suffering. 
                      6.. Well, no epilepsy.  Tests were all negative. 
                      7.. And, your new symptoms, fatigue, facial pain on left 
side only; no headache or migraine—myasthenia gravis ?      
                      8.. Meanwhile, how is your Lyrica holding out?  Need a 


                    What happened to the TM?  Am I one of those who got mostly 
better?  Myasthenia gravis?  I am now having new symptoms of extreme fatigue 
and pain in the limbs and left side of the face, needles and pins.  For a while 
now I have tried to get up in the morning only to be forced back to bed by 
fatigue and pain.  After more rest and two more attempts I succeed in getting 
up and dressed.  My spine is just burning up, from thoracic to lumbar.  But 
that is an old symptom.  The attacks of spasms are mostly gone now.

                    Good thing I teach an 11:00 lecture and can sit in my 
office the rest of the time.  My old skating routine several times per week, or 
even once per week, is not possible at the moment.  It now hurts to type for 
very long.  

                    I am desperate for ideas here.  Anyone with some thoughts 
on this sack of symptoms?

                    I have no idea what is happening, and the neuro has given 
up thinking about it.  I hope to get with another neuro this week or next.  
Hope all this will pass and I can get back to where I was a few weeks ago.


                    From: Bernie <>
                    Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 10:57:07 -0800
                    To: <>, TMIC <>
                    Subject: Re: [TMIC] Doc Pomus
                    Resent-From: <>
                    Resent-Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 10:57:16 -0800

                       I believe that a LOT of people were misdiagnosed years 
ago as they did not have the diagnostic tools we have today.  I believe that 
people are still misdiagnosed in our times now, due to doctors either not 
knowing about it,  misinformation,  or just plain hard heads who won't listen 
to anyone else.  Even though I was diagnosed with TM,  I still think I have MS, 
 but cannot have an MRI done because of the pump in my abdomen.  Just my 2 
cents worth.
                     Bernie in Texas





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