I fly back day-after-tomorrow @ 5:00 AM.




From:  Janice Nichols <jan...@centurytel.net>
Date:  Fri, 10 Jun 2011 22:13:36 -0500
To:  Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com>, Patricia Cooley
<patticoole...@gmail.com>, Akua <a...@artfarm.com>
Cc:  <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Hello

> Dalton, when will you be back to the states?       You won¹t forget us, will
> you?
> Janice
> From: Dalton Garis <mailto:malugss...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 1:39 PM
> To: Patricia Cooley <mailto:patticoole...@gmail.com>  ; 'Akua'
> <mailto:a...@artfarm.com>
> Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hello
> You know;
> I go from wanting to cry to wanting to laugh in the same moment.  I am so
> relieved not to have to prepare for those classes anymore‹I was associate
> professor of economics and commodity price behavior‹the lectures, but mostly
> that awful bureaucratic stuff‹the accreditation material, reports, the grading
> and grade submissions, my annual objectives . . . So many forms to goof up and
> be asked to do over.  This disease has made filling out any kind of form an
> arduous task, because I always lose my way and have to start from the
> beginning.  They took so long.
> And now the only big form I have to face each year is that "mother of all
> forms," the tax form.
> I am looking forward very much to writing and researching.  My published book
> is "Manna from Heaven: From Divine Speech to Economic Science."  it is an
> analysis of economic content within the best known divinely revealed books of
> God.  Now I am writing another one, which is almost ready, that will target
> Sunni Muslims with an analysis of the economics of the Divine Qur'an.  (I am
> not Muslim; I am a Baha'i).  I want to start a discussion of these things
> among ordinary people of all Faiths‹because the way the economy is going now,
> it is not serving the best interests or needs of the majority of peoples in
> the world, and I can't imagine that God would leave us in the dark on this
> subject.  And, what I found is that there is a tremendous amount of economic
> content in the divinely revealed Words of God.  They haven't been economically
> analyzed because economics is only about 100 years old as a formalized
> academic discipline.
> Anyway, I am packing now and pretty happy.  I am over the sting of being
> pushed out, and that quiet but palpable air of dismissiveness from bosses and
> some colleagues alike.  Suddenly you are like a "dead man walking," and they
> don't want to be around you. They look the other way, as if being dismissed
> were a contagion they must avoid.  You know what I mean.  As disabled persons
> we encounter it every day on the street, in the check-out line, and the
> restroom.  
> The staff‹secretaries, cleaners, janitors‹are different.  They come up to you
> and ask how you are, and say that they will miss you and are sad to see you
> go.  I think that if when I die, such persons show up to my funeral, I will
> have perhaps not been too bad.  Our colleagues and relatives, these must show
> up, so it doesn't mean much.  But if ordinary workers who don't owe you
> anything, if they show up, then you have been not too bad as a person.
> So back to packing‹and ice cream with almonds, walnuts, fudge sauce.
> Thanks everyone, you mean a lot to me. How could I have gotten along so long
> alone over here without your help and friendship?!
> Dalton
> From: Patricia Cooley <patticoole...@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 09:52:32 -0500
> To: Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com>, 'Akua' <a...@artfarm.com>
> Cc: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
> Subject: RE: [TMIC] Hello
> It sounds as though you have come to terms with your loss.  I wish you all the
> luck in the world with your manuscripts.  Maybe one day when you are a famous
> author, we can say ³we know him he is a friend².  Keep our spirits up and good
> luck with your upcoming move back to the States.  Keep in touch.
> From: Dalton Garis [mailto:malugss...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 10:57 PM
> To: Akua
> Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hello
> actually, my wife is very happy i will be coming home. says i have been away
> too long.  and now, with not having to pepare for class every day, i can go
> back to writing.  i have one book out there, and i almost have a finished
> manuscript for another..
> gotta go right now though, miuscle cramps-spasms coming on.  will write later.
> love,
> dalton
> On 10 Jun 2011, at 2:37 AM, Akua wrote:
> Sorry to read this, Dalton!
>> Hi  Carol;
>> This is  Dalton.  I just got terminated today.  It seems I couldn't overcome
>> the pull of TM, and my classroom work-that of which I was most
>> proud-suffered.  I have three months' notice.  Last year they  lightened the
>> load and I did OK, but they said I worked too little.  This  year I taught
>> three courses, teaching every day, and the pain, fatigue and  med-head just
>> made every day agony.  It showed and the students  complained.  So, that's
>> it.
>> Up till now they  have been very nice.  But they don't keep persons around
>> who can't pull  the whole load.
>> Not the way I  wanted to go out.
>> Thanks,
>> Dalton
>> From: Carol E  <snow121...@hotmail.com>
>> Date:  Tue, 7 Jun 2011 09:43:34 -0500
>> To: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
>> Subject:  [TMIC] Hello
>> Resent-From: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
>> Resent-Date:  Tue, 7 Jun 2011 07:44:27 -0700
>> Just testing to  see if I am still on the list.  I'm not receiving  messages.
>> Carol
>> Worrying  does not empty
>> tomorrow of its troubles;
>> It empties today of its  strengths.
> -- 

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