actually, my wife is very happy i will be coming home. says i have been away 
too long.  and now, with not having to pepare for class every day, i can go 
back to writing.  i have one book out there, and i almost have a finished 
manuscript for another.. 

gotta go right now though, miuscle cramps-spasms coming on.  will write later.


On 10 Jun 2011, at 2:37 AM, Akua wrote:

> Sorry to read this, Dalton!
>> Hi Carol;
>> This is Dalton.  I just got terminated today.  It seems I couldn't overcome 
>> the pull of TM, and my classroom work-that of which I was most 
>> proud-suffered.  I have three months' notice.  Last year they lightened the 
>> load and I did OK, but they said I worked too little.  This year I taught 
>> three courses, teaching every day, and the pain, fatigue and med-head just 
>> made every day agony.  It showed and the students complained.  So, that's it.
>> Up till now they have been very nice.  But they don't keep persons around 
>> who can't pull the whole load.
>> Not the way I wanted to go out.
>> Thanks,
>> Dalton
>> From: Carol E <>
>> Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 09:43:34 -0500
>> To: <>
>> Subject: [TMIC] Hello
>> Resent-From: <>
>> Resent-Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 07:44:27 -0700
>> Just testing to see if I am still on the list.  I'm not receiving messages.
>> Carol
>> Worrying does not empty
>> tomorrow of its troubles;
>> It empties today of its strengths.
> -- 

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