Hi Emily,


My neurologist probably knows about it, but I haven't seen him for about two
years. My primary physician covers refilling my prescriptions and she's the
one who referred me to the podiatrist. 


I was lucky enough when TM struck that the neuro on-call at my hospital ER
was already familiar with TM and diagnosed me within an hour after my MRI.
He's the one who prescribed the Neurontin & Norco and since they've worked
so far, I'm hesitant to try anything else - "don't fix what isn't broke."
Even though the podiatrist knew I was taking the other meds, he thought the
Metanx might have some additional benefit. As long as I was able to continue
taking my original meds along with the Metanx, I was willing to give it a





From: Emily [mailto:em...@telephonelady.com] 
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 7:53 PM
To: 'Elizabeth Clark'; pjv1...@chartermi.net; 'tmic'
Subject: RE: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time


Hi Betty,


Weirdly, the Metanx prescription for my husband was also through his
podiatrist.   He was cutting his toenails and noticed the legs spasing.  I
just find it amazing that the podiatrist knew about Metanx but the
Neurologist did not!!





From: Elizabeth Clark [mailto:xbeecla...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:17 PM
To: em...@telephonelady.com; pjv1...@chartermi.net; 'tmic'
Subject: RE: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time


Hi Emily.


I tried Metanx for about three months at the suggestion of the podiatrist
I've been seeing. I originally went to him for a toe fungus I had and after
detailing my TM for him, he recommended a new extremely light-weight brace
for my weak left leg to help with my balance issues. The brace works great
whenever I have to do a lot of walking (grocery store, mall, etc.) but I
don't wear it all the time because my leg then tends to depend too much on
it and begins to weaken even more. 


Because of my neuropathy, he mentioned some success another patient of his
had with Metanx and wanted me to try it. Unfortunately, I had no noticeable
improvements of any sort and I decided to discontinue using it - especially
considering it wasn't covered by my insurance and is somewhat costly. 


I'm glad to hear it is helping your husband, so it must be like everything
else related to TM - what works for some doesn't necessarily work for all.
It's a condition that requires trial-and-error for just about everything.
The main thing is to stay on top of it - especially through forums such as
this sight.since even the majority of doctors don't know enough about TM, it
gives us the opportunity to see what's out there that others are using so we
can take it back to our own physicians and make better-informed decisions on
our treatment. 


No matter what. don't let TM get you down! If you do, it wins and that is
the biggest tragedy of all!



(in Northern California)



From: Emily [mailto:em...@telephonelady.com] 
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 6:43 PM
To: pjv1...@chartermi.net; 'tmic'
Subject: RE: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time


I am here...and I am also on Facebook but I like this method MUCH better.  I
do agree, it has been very quiet here lately.  


I have been wondering how Dalton has been doing since he is back in the USA.
Has anyone heard?


And what about our dear friend and crazy West VA buddy John..where has he
been lately?  


Maybe this is a good thing..everyone is without pain, spasms, banding,
etc...so no one is talking..LOL


OH...I did forget one thing..my husband is on a vitamin B complex with folic
acid and it has helped with banding and spasms.it is a prescription only and
it is called Metanx.  Has anyone else ever heard of this?  It doesn't work
in all spinal cord injury patients but so far it is working with my
husband.praise the Lord!!!






From: pjv1...@chartermi.net [mailto:pjv1...@chartermi.net] 
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:35 PM
To: tmic
Subject: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time



I got "booted off" tmic several months ago by the computer phantom that does
that every once in a while and decided not to sign back up for various
reasons.  I signed up today because I visited with David and Judy Hoops ,
aka Hey Jude, today and we talked about how long it had been since we had
been on the TMIC.  I visited the archives to see what the current subjects
are and who was participating and the subject that caught my attention was
RE: facebook.  How fitting.  That was exactly what Dave and Judy and I
talked about.  They told me about TM on FaceBook and how confused they get
by it and wondered if it had totaly replaced TMIC.  I told Dave I would chek
into it and let him know what I found out.


It was good to see so many people post on that subject.  There were names
that I hadn't seen on TMIC for a long time.  It sounds like a lot of people
were lurking I the background.  I remember the last post I read. Someone
asked how Saronj from India was and she answered.  


Jude has been in hospital twice in the last three weeks.  She sure is a
trooper!  She's in ICU now awaiting test results.  


I think I'll stay on TMIC for a while.  


Patti - Michigan

TM for 8 years  and wouldn't have known what to do without TMIC and the TM
Forum.  I'm glad there's plenty of info for new TMers, however, my brain
couldn't have handled it all back then.  

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