Indeed! where is Dalton? I haven't heard from him in a long while. John has 
also disappeared. Hope these guys are ok. I wonder why it's always so quiet 
here. Please be well my friends!

Subject: RE: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 21:43:19 -0400

I am here…..and
I am also on Facebook but I like this method MUCH better.  I do agree, it has
been very quiet here lately.  


I have been
wondering how Dalton has been doing since he is
back in the USA. 
Has anyone heard?


And what about
our dear friend and crazy West
 VA buddy John….where has he been


Maybe this is
a good thing….everyone is without pain, spasms, banding, etc… no one is


OH…..I did
forget one thing….my husband is on a vitamin B complex with folic acid and it
has helped with banding and spasms…it is a prescription only and it is called
Metanx.  Has anyone else ever heard of this?  It doesn’t work in all spinal
cord injury patients but so far it is working with my husband…praise the





From: [] 

Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011
9:35 PM

To: tmic

Subject: [TMIC] I haven't been
here for a long time



I got
"booted off" tmic several months ago by the computer phantom that
does that every once in a while and decided not to sign back up for various
reasons.  I signed up today because I visited with David and Judy Hoops ,
aka Hey Jude, today and we talked about how long it had been since we had been
on the TMIC.  I visited the archives to see what the current subjects are
and who was participating and the subject that caught my attention was RE:
facebook.  How fitting.  That was exactly what Dave and Judy and I
talked about.  They told me about TM on FaceBook and how confused they get
by it and wondered if it had totaly replaced TMIC.  I told Dave I would
chek into it and let him know what I found out.


It was
good to see so many people post on that subject.  There were names that I
hadn't seen on TMIC for a long time.  It sounds like a lot of people were
lurking I the background.  I remember the last post I read. Someone asked
how Saronj from India
was and she answered.  


has been in hospital twice in the last three weeks.  She sure is a
trooper!  She's in ICU now awaiting test results.  


think I'll stay on TMIC for a while.  


- Michigan

TM for
8 years  and wouldn't have known what to do without TMIC and the TM
Forum.  I'm glad there's plenty of info for new TMers, however, my brain
couldn't have handled it all back then.  


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