
That what's works for me.  And I did put on the pounds‹about 20 of them.
But I sleep better and can forget about the pain for hours on end.  It is
harder getting up from sitting, and walking is a bit harder; but with the
pain down, I can actually think and do things with my mind, impossible
before since it took an act of great will to push the pain down enough to do
anything useful.


From:  Patricia Cooley <>
Date:  Tue, 4 Oct 2011 08:54:37 -0500
To:  john snodgrass <>
Cc:  Jeron Rampersad <>, Emily <>,
"" <>, ""
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time
Resent-From:  <>
Resent-Date:  Tue, 4 Oct 2011 06:56:45 -0700

> John I am glad you are getting some relief from your pain.  I also stopped
> Neuronton (gabapentin) as it was doing absolutely nothing for me except cause
> me to gain some unwanted and unneeded pounds.
> I can't see putting stuff in your body if it doesn't help.
> I will hope you continue to feel better.
> Patti - Wisconsin
> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 6:37 PM, john snodgrass <> wrote:
>> I have been through several days that were not as bad as normal. i am glad
>> for the relief. learned not to hold my breath but to take one moment at a
>> time.
>> i stopped taking one of my meds. it stopped being useful. Neuronton.
>> seamed i was hurting in areas that it use to help with so i started down
>> dosing untill i just quit. i dont feel any worse for the lack of it so why
>> bother.
>> I am almost off of the backlofin also. feel the same as i did taking max +
>> dosage.
>> I dont jerk as much this year as i did last year.
>> who knows.
>> still taking the liver killers though.
>> From: Jeron Rampersad <>
>> To:;;
>> Sent: Sunday, October 2, 2011 9:03 AM
>> Subject: RE: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time
>> Indeed! where is Dalton? I haven't heard from him in a long while. John has
>> also disappeared. Hope these guys are ok. I wonder why it's always so quiet
>> here. Please be well my friends!
>> Jeron
>> From:
>> To:;
>> Subject: RE: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time
>> Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 21:43:19 -0400
>> I am hereŠ..and I am also on Facebook but I like this method MUCH better.  I
>> do agree, it has been very quiet here lately.
>> I have been wondering how Dalton has been doing since he is back in the USA.
>> Has anyone heard?
>> And what about our dear friend and crazy West VA buddy JohnŠ.where has he
>> been lately?  
>> Maybe this is a good thingŠ.everyone is without pain, spasms, banding,
>> etcŠ no one is talkingŠ.LOL
>> OHŠ..I did forget one thingŠ.my husband is on a vitamin B complex with folic
>> acid and it has helped with banding and spasmsŠit is a prescription only and
>> it is called Metanx.  Has anyone else ever heard of this?  It doesn¹t work in
>> all spinal cord injury patients but so far it is working with my
>> husbandŠpraise the Lord!!!
>> Emily
>> []
>> Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:35 PM
>> To: tmic
>> Subject: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time
>> Hi 
>> I got "booted off" tmic several months ago by the computer phantom that does
>> that every once in a while and decided not to sign back up for various
>> reasons.  I signed up today because I visited with David and Judy Hoops , aka
>> Hey Jude, today and we talked about how long it had been since we had been on
>> the TMIC.  I visited the archives to see what the current subjects are and
>> who was participating and the subject that caught my attention was RE:
>> facebook.  How fitting.  That was exactly what Dave and Judy and I talked
>> about.  They told me about TM on FaceBook and how confused they get by it and
>> wondered if it had totaly replaced TMIC.  I told Dave I would chek into it
>> and let him know what I found out.
>> It was good to see so many people post on that subject.  There were names
>> that I hadn't seen on TMIC for a long time.  It sounds like a lot of people
>> were lurking I the background.  I remember the last post I read. Someone
>> asked how Saronj from India was and she answered.
>> Jude has been in hospital twice in the last three weeks.  She sure is a
>> trooper!  She's in ICU now awaiting test results.
>> I think I'll stay on TMIC for a while.
>> Patti - Michigan
>> TM for 8 years  and wouldn't have known what to do without TMIC and the TM
>> Forum.  I'm glad there's plenty of info for new TMers, however, my brain
>> couldn't have handled it all back then.

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