Hi Jim,

I have discovered my mother, sister and I all have auto-immune issues of
different kinds. my mother has rheumatoid arthritis, has had temporal
arteritis (a scaly scalp patch just at the temple of her head) and just this
last year, developed alopecia areata (loss of her hair). My sister had a
bout with shingles on her arm about eight years ago and was treated for it.
Now she's recently been diagnosed with celiac disease (total intolerance to
gluten products). I have TM and when I was 12, was diagnosed with scoliosis
- though I don't know if that is really an auto-immune issue - I have
suspected it is. Once I was diagnosed with TM, I stopped getting vaccines of
any kind - flu, shingles, you name it - regardless of whether they are live
cultures or not. I've heard you shouldn't get any vaccine that contains a
live virus but the others are supposed to be okay. I figure, I've hit the
lottery too many times where auto-immune is concerned, I'm not about to try
it. I'd rather get shingles and be treated for that than risk getting
another bout of TM.



(in Northern California)



From: James Berg [mailto:molokai...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 3:10 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Does anyone know?


the neuro's who diagnosed my TM thought it may have been caused by a bout of
Shingles I had.  Two years have passed and my wife is worrying I might get
another bout of shingles that would result in more TM damage.  Should I get
a Shingles vaccine shot or is that risking another attack of TM?  The shot
is $235.00 and we have been saing for it but now I am wondering what the
risk is.  Please contribute your knowledge.



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