The first time I got TM I had Hep B vaccine series and a flu shot before onset. 
 Second round of symptoms was after tetanus shot.  This last flare up or 
reoccurance was that since I was a diabetic nurse working first line in the 
H1N1 "epidemic"  I had H1N!.  Then pneumovax because I was a diabetic.  The 
following all it was tetanus shot because I kept scraping myself up outside 
without feeling it, then another flu shot when I thought I was going back to 
work.  The rest is history.  I didn't work for the next year.  Didn't walk much 
either.  First dr told me "NO more vaccines"  Now they all say it's okay.  Now, 
if a neuro named John Hopkins from Michigan...they seem to keep it in the 
family...says no more vaccines, but the young evidence based hot shots reading 
their computer screens say....all the evidence it might cause this is purely 
antedotal....go ahead and take them, and I get sicker than a dog....what do you 
think I believe?  Did I mention I had an insidious onset the first time.  The 
kept telling me I was going to break out in shingles any day.  Never happened.  
Just burned along every dermatone in my body from the bra strap down.  I 
could've taken a felt tip marker and drawn this picture.

Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 23:37:18 +0000
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Does anyone know?

when I got TM 7 years ago it was in Oct and I had atleast 6 dr.s ask over and 
over if I had gotten a flu shot (i did NOT).. so that would tell me they 
suspect a flu shot can cause TM without comming right out and saying so... in 
the 7 years I have had TM, i have gotten the "flu" only once, kicked my butt 
for 3 days but less price to pay them something else worse happening.. my two 
cents don't do it

From: "James Berg" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 6:09:34 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Does anyone know?

the neuro's who diagnosed my TM thought it may have been caused by a bout of 
Shingles I had.  Two years have passed and my wife is worrying I might get 
another bout of shingles that would result in more TM damage.  Should I get a 
Shingles vaccine shot or is that risking another attack of TM?  The shot is 
$235.00 and we have been saing for it but now I am wondering what the risk is.  
Please contribute your knowledge.

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