Just curious... has anybody else caught the new reality show "Push Girls" on the Sundance cable channel? It features 4 paralyzed women in wheelchairs (plus a new 19-yr-old teen) - each with a different severity of injury. They are absolutely amazing with the things they accomplish and the confidence level they've achieved! They are a real inspiration - much like Cody Unser and could possibly be very helpful to others in realizing what can be done, even under adverse conditions. First-run episodes run at 10 pm on Mondays here in the Northwest of the U.S. "Catch-up" episodes run on Sundays starting at 11:30 am. If you haven't seen them yet, google "push girls" and check out the different clips.

(in Northern California).

On 8/8/2012 7:17 PM, Cindy McLeroy wrote:
Jim, check out Cody Unser's First Step Foundation website. http://www.cufsf.org/ . Cody has had TM since she was 12 and has accomplished many amazing things. You might be interested in the Scuba Diving she does and is working with returning vets on how to scuba diving.
----- Original Message -----

    *From:* James Berg <mailto:molokai...@gmail.com>
    *To:* a...@artfarm.com <mailto:a...@artfarm.com>
    *Cc:* tmic-l...@eskimo.net <mailto:tmic-l...@eskimo.net>
    *Sent:* Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:22 PM
    *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] NSCIA Webinars/Choosing Wheelchair

    Akua--Thank you for the web sites.  I had never thought about
    doing "Wheelies" and how learning the balance of it would help me
daily with visiting friends who have no ramps for getting over thresholds. Now I am trying to learn how to do it. freedom,
    that is what it is all about.
    I am going diving for the first time since I lost the use of my
    legs.  I have not even been in the water since the 'event'.  I
    have been a swimmer all my life including waterpolo and
    pre-olympic tryouts.  I didn't qualify but it was fun trying.  I
    have also been a free diver for nearly 30 years and really miss
    the ocean and all it's wonders.  How do I keep my legs from
    dragging on the bottom?  I'm sure I can swim and maneuver while I
    hunt fish if I can control my legs. How do I get into the water
    and worse, how do I get out? I am a big man.  We think (my family)
we have figured it all out and I will soon make the attempt. Hopefully the next blog will be a tale of my success in entering
    Jules Verne's undersea kingdom.

    On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 4:12 AM, <a...@artfarm.com
    <mailto:a...@artfarm.com>> wrote:



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