I take 900 mg of Gabapentin at 7am and 1pm and 1200mg gabapentin at 9pm. I have 
not tried Lyrica but have tried Cymbalta without success.  I am having trouble 
with doctors wanting/willing to prescribe my pain medicine as well. I was told 
by the pain/pallitive doctor "We will NEVER prescribe opiates for you again!!" 
This was do to them saying I have a Mast Cell Reaction to them. Seeming they 
werent giving me anything for pain other the Naprosen I started taking my 
Dilaudid again on my own. I had just had it filled for 900 tablets right before 
they stopped them. I took them withOUT any problems or reactions. I think the 
doctors over reacted and seeming they dont like to prescribe them it gave them 
an easy way out. I refused to settle for it and being in constant pain at high 
levels I continued taking it. I was always up front and honest with them about 
taking it. Surprisingly they never really told me to not take it.

As for the Psychiatric Evaluation its just a routine test they do. To make sure 
of where your head is and family history I think. I am sure they will ask lots 
of questions and perhaps have you fill out alot of paper work as well. I am 
sure its not that they have any concerns its just routine. Please don't be 
nervous. Look at the prize in the end...Better pain relief...better quality of 
living.... Best wishes Jude 

Amy In Ohio

CC: tmic-list@eskimo.com
From: malugss...@me.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  Lyrica, Psychiatric Evaluations
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2013 07:45:55 -0500
To: xbeecla...@gmail.com

I'm ok with 300 Gabapentin and 150 Lyrica (Pregabelin)
2x/day with an additional dose of Lyrica for breakthrough pain. With the Prozac 
and Dilantin also added in 2x/day that brings my medication bill down to just 
$161.30/month. When I took just Lyrica and before I had substituted Gabapentin 
I was paying almost double that per month. 
Dalton GarisNew York, New York
On Feb 16, 2013, at 11:18 PM, Betty Clark <xbeecla...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Hi Dalton,


      I've always taken Gabapentin (or Neurontin) at two 300 mg capsules
      every six hours with an additional 7.5 - 325
      Hydrocodone-Acetaminaphine to calm nerves and relieve pain. I have
      been tempted to request from my doctor trying Lyrica, as I've been
      experiencing "break-through" pain and nerve reactions around the
      last hour of my cycle, but am hesitant to try something different
      and not have it work. I've also contemplated staggering my meds so
      I'm taking one of them every 12-6-12-6 o'clock and the other every
      9-3-9-3 o'clock. 


      What dosage of Gabapentin and Lyrica have you taken, and what is
      the difference in the amount of time they are effective?





      On 2/16/2013 9:53 AM, Dalton Garis wrote:

          I found that Lyrica and Gabapentin do different things;

          Gaba is better for calming nerves and allows me to drink
            more caffeine without blowing up.  But it is not as
            effective on pain as is Lyrica.  When I just took Lyrica no
            pain but couldn't drink much coffee; but when I took less
            Lyrica and added some Gabapentin then the pain was still
            down—most of the time—and I could tolerate a lot more coffee
            drinking.  Funny thing.

          Lyrica just killed the burning and needles and voltages,
            just flattened it.  Perfect is good enough, right?


              Dalton Garis
              Flushing, Queens
              New York, USA
              Mobile: 718-838-0437

        From:  Janet Dunn <j.d...@shaw.ca>

          Date:  Saturday, 16
          January 2013 1:44 AM

          To:  <tmic-list@eskimo.com>

          Subject:  Re: [TMIC]
          Re: Lyrica, Psychiatric Evaluations

          Resent-From:  <tmic-list@eskimo.com>

          Resent-Date:  Fri, 15
          Feb 2013 22:44:42 -0800


            II was on Lyrica for many years
              - and it works great.   I cold turkey quit taking it in
              November.  Since then I have been getting by on Oxycontin,
              or Oxycodone, sometimes both.  However - when the burning
              pain and the numbness and whatnot gets too great, I will
              still take a dose or two of the Lyrica as it really does
              help.  I may eventually go back on it full time -
              depending on how the next few months pan out.  I prefer
              the Lyrica over gabapentin because I can take less of it
              with greater results. 


              Oxy is getting very difficult if not impossible to get in
              my town.




              On 15/02/2013 8:20 PM, heyjude48...@aol.com

              AOL Email
                                you know I am having the Medtronic pain
                                pump put in.  I went for my first
                                consultation yesterday.  Before they put
                                in the pump I have to have a psychiatric
                                consultation to see if I'm going to be a
                                good candidate.
                                sure it's been a long time, but has
                                anyone had a psychiatric consultation
                                before.  I need to know what to expect. 
                                I don't know why but I'm kind of nervous
                                about it.  I have my heart set on having
                                this surgery because if I don't then I
                                will have to have my leg amputated. 
                                There are no other Dr.s who want to
                                continue with oral medication.
                                also have to go on Lyrica instead of
                                Oxycodone.  Has anyone taken Lyrica for
                                pain, not depression?
                                appreciate your answers and look forward
                                to reading them,
                                I love you,




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