To Cody:

I feel good to know that when you became so seriously ill with ™  at such a 
young age, that you received good care and excellent insurance through 
medicare.  I will admit, up front, that I am  a conservative from Phoenix, 
Arizona.  My husband and I have worked hard all our lives, always paid our 
taxes and have paid tremendous $$ for insurance to cover our family of 5.  ™ 
struck me at 35, 55 and again at 59.  Our insurance (I am sure like most of us 
Americans) pays $70% after a $4,000 deductible.  This is further complicated 
because there is only one ™ specialist in Arizona at Mayo Clinic.  Most 
"normal" insurance companies are not contracted at Mayo, so for me to get help, 
I am now paying out of pocket.  I cannot even admit the amount of money by 
husband has spent on trying to get me help.  We now, after 36 years of marriage 
are going to have to take out a second loan on our house to cover our medical 
costs.  Cody, I don't feel like this country owes me anything.  I have never 
taken "free" ANYTHING.  I think what President Gerald Ford said in 1974 is 
"right on".  Our government is no longer the same.  You should be proud of the 
care you received.  Most of us, are not as lucky.  The money we have spent out 
of pocket is in the tens of thousands of dollars.  More than anyone could 
afford.  We are just everyday God Loving Americans.  The best Country in the 
World.  However, as I said, we are not you.  We did not receive the same 
benefits as you.  So, maybe you were a little hard on Dalton.

We live in a much different Country.  We now insure everyone, it seems, no 
matter what.  So, I do believe all of us are paying for all of "them" who are 

Susan Kleinz, Phoenix, AZ

On Jul 16, 2013, at 3:50 PM, Cody <> wrote:

> Dalton,
> I just refuse to believe the story about the little boy who died from a 
> Sepses infection was only attributable to not having $86.00 to be treated by 
> a dentist. If they didn’t have the $86.00 for the dentist how did they have 
> money for the medical treatment. I don’t know about medical services in 
> Louisiana or New York but in Texas I know that we do have a program that 
> provides for medical treatment and dental care for less fortunate children. 
> It is called CHIPS.  I very much support this program. Also FYI I have been 
> in the hospital four or five times since I was diagnosed with TM. Medicare 
> paid for 80% of the hospital cost, including extended ICU care, as well as 
> 80% of my doctors all of whom were specialist. I am proud to say that I was 
> more than happy to pay my 20%. Medicare paid these cost at very significant 
> discounted rates. My 20% was also based on these discounted rates. Even with 
> this I had to pay several thousand dollars for my portion.
> I cannot believe that anyone thinks for some reason that their country owes 
> them free anything medical, retirement, or whatever. I think this country has 
> some of the best medical care in the world. Many of the best physicians in 
> the world receive their education and intern training in this country.
> I am appalled that you are anyone else thinks they are entitled to have so 
> much given to them. Since you are an economist you of all people should know 
> there is no such thing as a free lunch. The cost of all of the things you 
> want for free must be borne by your fellow citizens of this proud nation.
> I am reminded of this quote from former President Gerald Ford:
> "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big 
> enough to take from you everything you have. 
> Presidential address to a joint session of Congress (12 August 1974)
> Cody in Austin, Texas
> From: Dalton Garis [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:31 PM
> To: Dalton Garis; I.WHIDDETT; <>
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] From hot, sticky, uncomfortable Essex
> . . . And [please let me rant for a while]
> Why doesn't this country have free medical insurance for all its citizens ??? 
> What is that ideological secret that this country presumes to understand that 
> the other developed countries, all of which provide free medical care (and 
> decent retirement, child care for working parents and free higher education, 
> also, for that matter), has failed to grasp? 
> How many dollars could be saved with free insurance, thus preventing much 
> more serious and costly complications later on?  I read some time ago of a 
> boy in Louisiana who died of Sepses, the deadly blood infection, because his 
> parents lacked the $86.oo needed to have him treated by a dentist for an 
> abscessed tooth! 
> Aren't economies for the purpose of providing for its citizens and societies 
> a better life?  Or, are they ideologies with names that we are to worship and 
> for the purity which the welfare of society's members are to be sacrificed 
> ???  Why are we being crucified on the cross of ideological purity?  Why are 
> forced to worship names, rather than working to establish an 
> economy—regardless of its label—that serves the needs of all the people in a 
> just and fair manner?
> [Thank you for letting me rant for a minute, because I hate, as a citizen of 
> this proud nation, to pay even one dollar for medical services.]
> Dalton Garis
> Flushing, Queens
> New York, USA
> From: Dalton Garis <>
> Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 10:59:27 -0700
> To: "I.WHIDDETT" <>, "<>" 
> <>
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] From hot, sticky, uncomfortable Essex
> Resent-From: <>
> Resent-Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 07:58:41 -0700 (PDT)
> My brother;
> Who lives in Connecticut and has contracted Lyme disease three times, clearly 
> recalls my getting a tick bite and seeing the tell-tale bull's eye reaction 
> at the bite site on the back of my leg, typical of Lyme disease.  I became 
> sick, but lacking any medical insurance didn't do anything about it, and 
> eventually got better on my own.
> Then, years later, I contract slow-onset TM, get very sick, then mostly 
> recover, with the exception of getting seizures due to an "anomaly" on the 
> brainstem; plus the usual constant aches, bee-sting pains all over, fatigue 
> and weakness.  I take pregabelin, gabapentin, prozac, and dilation for 
> seizures.
> My brother is convinced that the TM was caused by the latent effects of 
> in-dwelling Lyme bacteria, and I am partially convinced by his point of view; 
> partially, because it was in the Middle East--that caldron of diseases--where 
> I caught, and was diagnosed as having, TM.  It was likely a contributing 
> factor that could have increased the likelihood of getting TM in the first 
> place, and also likely changed the nature of my symptoms.  That is, I could 
> have gotten some other bug which, when combined with the Lyme disease 
> bacteria, led to developing TM (or also could have been MS, for that matter).
> It's getting tricky out there, with a host of new diseases that I cause 
> on-going infections only partially treated successfully at the time, but I 
> believe increases the likelihood later on of getting something a lot more 
> serious like MS, TM, or even that killer ALS.
> Dalton Garis
> Flushing, Queens
> New York, USA
> On 7/16/13 5:35 AM, "I.WHIDDETT" <> wrote:
> Hi group, typical Brit, moan about the non-summer, it finally arrives and now 
> I'm too hot!!
> I've just been reading on Facebook about a little girl in Aberdeen who was 
> paralysed from the chest down but after intensive physio has beaten the odds 
> and made a good recovery.  Brilliant outcome, I think we all especially hate 
> youngsters to get this horrible condition.  Unusually, they are giving a 
> reason for her TM.  It seems it was caused by a tick bite.  I'm sure I 
> remember that someone in this group has blamed a mosquito bite.  As though we 
> don't hate these bloodsucking pests enough already....!
> Iris
> Sent from my iPad

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