(03/04/2011 11:19 AM), Kevin Goodsell wrote:
> It looks like 94 would be the limit for applications that are expecting
> the old mouse tracking with a terminal that is reporting extended mouse
> tracking. The two modes are compatible up to that point.

Yeah, that's what I got from a little further reading too.

>> Sure it does. VTE supports any of the mouse protocols that xterm does.
>> Anyway, just tried xterm (new tmux server/socket), got the same problem.
> OK. As far as I can tell, gnome-terminal doesn't seem to respond to the
> extended mouse mode control sequences (\E[?1005h and \E[?1005l), or at
> least I can't see any change in its behavior. However, it is sending
> some strange stuff beyond column 94 when I put it in 1000 or 1002 mode,
> presumably using the extended protocol.

Hm. Well, I'm getting no better behavior even if I set -g mouse-utf8
off, or even setw -g utf8 off.

Micah J. Cowan

What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative
solutions. http://p.sf.net/sfu/progress-d2d
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