How could we find more information (and even code) about mod_warp ?
I'll very happy to test it on Apache 1.3.14 .
BTW will it be used in TC 3.3 ?
"La maîtrise des autres n'est que la force. La maîtrise de vous-même est le
véritable pouvoir"
-- Lao Tzu
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 1:10 AM
>Subject: Tomcat 4.0 Milestone 4
>Hey folks,
>I'm planning on cutting a fourth milestone of Tomcat 4.0 tomorrow
>(Wednesday) evening. This milestone will reflect all of the changes
>that occurred in the servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications between
>public draft and proposed final draft (and there were a *bunch* of
>them), completion of the remaining new 2.3/1.2 functionality, and
>several bug fixes.
>This will be the last big push of spec-related functionality additions
>for Tomcat 4.0. Now, we can turn our attention more towards bug fixes
>and performance tuning. You can help in that process by
>downloading and
>playing with the Tomcat 4.0 milestone. I'd like to see us shake it out
>enough to be production quality by Christmas time.
>Besides bug fixing and tuning, I know of several pieces of
>yet to be added that are being worked on, including:
>* Web connectors (using a new connector protocol
> called mod_warp that is aware of webapp configuration
> settings, so you will not have to configure things twice).
>* JNDI context support (like that used in J2EE servers)
> for the <env-entry> and <resource-ref> configuration
> parameters in the deployment descriptor.
>If you are interested in contributing to Tomcat 4.0, there is a "wish
>list" document in file "catalina/STATUS.html" in the jakarta-tomcat-4.0
>source tree. Feel free to propose new ideas, or to volunteer
>to work on
>one of these.
>Craig McClanahan
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