GOMEZ Henri wrote:

> How could we find more information (and even code) about mod_warp ?

Talk to Pier Fumagalli ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), who is writing it.  Pier has
indicated that as soon as he's got a version that doesn't coredump on 2 out of
3 requests, it will be posted into CVS so everyone can help debug it.

> I'll very happy to test it on Apache 1.3.14 .
> BTW will it be used in TC 3.3 ?

Not without a pretty large amount of work by someone ... it relies
substantially on Tomcat 4.0 internals.

> "La maîtrise des autres n'est que la force. La maîtrise de vous-même est le
> véritable pouvoir"
> -- Lao Tzu

Craig McClanahan

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