
(1) System throughput and response time data collection

I plan to do measurements myself using Henri Gomez' rpmized version of 
TC-4.0-m4, but since machines and environments differ, it might be 
interesting to know what kind of total time, throughput, avg and max 
connection and processing time per request people see using the 
HelloWorld servlet driving their system with ab in localhost mode 
(immediately after a cold boot). These are the kinds of data presented by 
Costin at ApacheCon Europe. I'd like to compile such numbers if people 
are willing to post them along with info on CPU (e.g. Celeron 400Mhz), 
memory (eg. 256M SDRAM100), disk (eg. WD Caviar 10.2MB, 5400 rpms), OS 
(Redhat6.1), JVM (Classic), etc. 

(2) System resource usage data collection

CPU and disk demand per request on each system might be interesting. I 
have done some very simple resource measurement and performance modeling 
of Apache that is described in a Office2000 PowerPoint (but created in 
StarImpress) presentation at 


My current plan is to apply the same approach to TC-4.0 and then to 
extend it by considering a mix of servlets, not just the HelloWorld 
servlet (again in keeping with Costin's pitch at ApacheCon).

Roy Wilson
Roy Wilson

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