on 4/17/01 5:12 PM, "GOMEZ Henri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> mod_jk is the de-facto standard to link a web server (not only
> Apache) to tomcat. mod_webapp is really new and having it
> incompatible with mod_jk will raise more questions and requests
> than necessary. 

Huh? mod_jk is not 100% compatible with mod_jserv which was also a "de-facto

> [ ] I want to have a ajp12/ajp13 in Tomcat 4.0 ?

Is the requirements of the Servlet API technically feasible for allowing
this to exist?

> What's mod_backend ?

He spelled it wrong...


> Did there is a project somewhere to store the session outside the tomcat ?

People have been talking about it for about a year now. It has been as
successful at starting as the commons and CJAN projects.

> A persistant session storage hosted in a web server may be bad but I'm
> ready to try other solutions ....


Unfortunately, the license sucks balls and the authors (very smart people)
are waffling on going to a better (ie: BSD) license. I tried talking some
sense into them at ApacheCon and felt like I was talking to a brick wall.
Sigh. Some people take longer than others to see the light...


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