>I have started a configure.in and makefile(s).in for the
Thanks great works :!
>Currently I have just prepared it for Apache2.0 and Apache1.3,
>before going on I
>have some questions:
>- The idea is to have one configure.in in
>jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/src/native and a makefile.in for
>each supported
>WebServer. Does it sound Ok?
Seems good, since users could go directly to their preferred
web-server. I saw no advantage to try to resolv in a top
configure all the case (AP1.3/2.0/IIS/NES)...
>- Should I already think of using APR? - Just that some of my
>plateform are not
>(yet) supported and I am reluctant of adding more #idef in the code -
If your platform are not supported and that #ifdef could help, let's
go. And maybe to avoid #ifdef USE_APR in all the code, we could create
1/2 C wrapper files ?
>- What should I do with the other WebServers (netscape, jni etc)?
netscape and jni will need support. May be Cosin could take a look
at JNI since he play with it, but there is an open position for a
NETSCAPE USER/DEV. But in each cache what about providing skeleton
configure.in ?
>The configure.in assumes that the Apache connectors sub-directories are
>apache-1.3 and apache-2.0. I think that more consistant with
I'll fix that ASAP..
>Please, have a look to the attached files and make comments :=)
Thanks again.