well, i prefer 8-space tabs, tabs in source code iif everybody uses the
same number of spaces per tab.  and, that'll never happen.

for the most part, i don't much care, so long as everybody is
consistent.  and, that'll likely never happen either :)

Andy Armstrong wrote:
> Here we go... ;-)
> I like tabs set to four spaces, tabs in source rather than spaces and
> opening braces on a new line. How evil does that make me?
> Actually I was just wondering the other day how easy it would be to do
> smart de-tabbing on source -- i.e. how easily can you infer the original
> tab size given some arbitrary source file. Of course it's easy enough
> for a human, but how much syntax awareness would you need to do it
> automagically?
> kevin seguin wrote:
> >
> > so, is there a tabs policy in jakarta?  like the number of spaces per
> > tab (4 vs. 8), of no tabs in source code?  i ask because i just got the
> > latest jtc source, and when i open up some of the files in emacs (in
> > which i have tab width set to 8 spaces), some lines are indented 4
> > spaces, and some 8.  what it looks like is someone used an editor with
> > tabs configured to be 4 spaces, but insert tab characters rather than
> > spaces.  anyway, it's quite unreadable, so that why i ask ;)  (i hope
> > this doesn't start a war ;-))
> --
> Andy Armstrong, Tagish

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