--- Christopher Cain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While creating the 3.3 version of my SSL HOWTO, I also polished off
> the
> wording here and there and added a TOC and section marks for easier
> navigation. Attached are both the 3.3 and 4.0 versions of the file.
> Consider this 4.0 version to supercede the one I sent last night (or
> early this morning, as it were :-)
> If someone could please let me know for sure that adding extension
> JARs
> to the "{JDK_HOME}/jre/lib/ext" directory under JDK 1.1.8 effectively
> makes them "installed extensions" (makes them available without
> necessarily being in the CLASSPATH) just like in >= JDK 1.2. Other
> than
> that, I'm pretty sure the TC 3.3 version of the doc is valid for JDK
> 1.1.8 environments as well. If someone a little more familiar with
> 1.1.8
> could maybe give it a quick once-over and see if anything jumps out,
> that would be great.
> - Christopher> 
>                    Tomcat 4.0 Standalone - SSL Configuration


I tried out your quickstart instructions with JDK 1.3 and Tomcat 3.2.3
on Windows 98 and it worked like a charm.  The background and detail
sections are well written and contain valuable information.

Nice Job!


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